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Everything posted by roguitar

  1. It's strange. Yesterday my SSL certificate expired. But now I solved it, by generating another one.
  2. Yes! Exactly! Moreover, I try to reactivate it myself, and there says it's already active. Anyway, my SSL certificate expired yesterday, but now I generated another one and it's already installed. I just can't have access to it.
  3. Hello, I'd like to reactivate my account (website: https://englishup.heliohost.org | username: roguitar). I believe it was suspended by mistake. Thank you.
  4. Now I got it, sorry
  5. Awesome! Even if it's not a lightning fast one, a supersonic one will do.
  6. Do you have any idea of how long it's going to take to re-establish Ricky server?
  7. I'm also thinking about moving to another server. What do you think it's the best one? Tommy (future Tommy, of course) or this Sparkie?
  8. Right, sir. Let's keep in touch tho.
  9. Right, sir. When exactly will it be?
  10. May I request to be moved to Tommy?
  11. Does Tommy support more features than Ricky, or is it all the same thing?
  12. May I request a transfer to new server, when things go right?
  13. Right, I've heard you are pooling money to buy a new server. May I participate?
  14. What does this error mean? I've tried to acess my website https://englishup.heliohost.org several times and all it provides is this error:
  15. Again, lol: It seems to me that sometimes it can't recognize even the MySQL connection. Crazy, isn't it?
  16. I believe you're right, my internet connection suffered a crash the day before yesterday and it hasn't recovered entirely, but things at least are working here. I don't know if this is my antivirus or AdBlocker extension on browser. But on the other hand, I don't think so, because I asked a person from another state to try it and it's unaccessible the same way... I'll contact my ISP and then I'll come back to report any issues. Detail: I can access the control panel, and the phpmyadmin, but not the website itself I could temporarily solve the problem by accessing my Internet Connection Configurations (Control Panel -> (Netowork and Internet) Network and Sharing Center - Click on the Connection and select Properties (Wi-Fi Properties) -> Click on item IP Version 4 Protocol and then on Properties -> Then in the second section: select the following DNS server addresses) And set it as: And that's it.
  17. I believe you're right, my internet connection suffered a crash the day before yesterday and it hasn't recovered entirely, but things at least are working here. I don't know if this is my antivirus or AdBlocker extension on browser. But on the other hand, I don't think so, because I asked a person from another state to try it and it's unaccessible the same way... I'll contact my ISP and then I'll come back to report any issues. Detail: I can access the control panel, and the phpmyadmin, but not the website itself
  18. Now I definitely can't access the Ricky server and my website any more. It's like the website is gone and doesn't exist any longer. I just won't ask: what's going on?, because I know you'll answer: Oh, we're facing a high load in server. Just wait.
  19. Ok, but how and where do I put this php script code? In all my pages, or in only one file? Inside root folder?
  20. Well, I've set it to: SetEnv TZ America/Sao_Paulo And nothing happened.
  21. Ok, ok, now it's weirdly working... At least so far...
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