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Everything posted by neptunus
I mean, I haven't added anything extra or special, so it definitely can't be any antivirus, I don't generally use VPN, etc., but I can't say anything about the internet service provider, but it's been used for almost 20 years and there's been no reason to change. By the way, a few hours after my message here, everything came back again and so far there haven't been any more problems. Let's see what happens next. Thank You.
Oh, sorry, time went by so quickly and I didn't get to the here in meantime. I got connected and this joy lasted for about 1.5-2 days, now again there is no connection and this time even no proxy or VPN will connect. About 8 hours ago I got last time a connection, after that nothing more, no any site no ftp, no Plesk. Only this forum over USA VPN and even then takes long to connect.
A bit later. I tested access via VPN/proxy. It turned out that I can access through the USA, Canada and, for example, the Republic of South Africa, but at the same time I cannot access it if I use any VPN/proxy from Europe, Asia, etc. Maybe this will help.
Since last night, I don't remember the exact time, there is no access to the domain astron.heliohost.org and the server johnny.heliohost.org:8443 at all. I can't access it either via http or ftp, nor can access Plesk. The only place I can still access is the forum. However, I can't find any reports that anything has happened. What could be the reason for this? Thanks for your help, I'll wait for reply and reconnection.
Hello and good luck to you all. Was a good mess, the consequences of which eliminating takes a long time. But now to the point. I have already informed you about this and then it seemed to have been fixed, but everything is stil the same for me, i.e. there are difficulties with changing passwords and they do not synchronize automatically until now. I have also deleted all cookies, cleared all caches, etc but still no success.. So, so far I have one password for Plesk login, another password for ftp/ftps and a third password for the forum. And there is no way to change them. Although everything is OK until I save and log out, but in reality nothing was saved and everywhere everything is the old way. I think you will find the reason and also the solution someday. This is just an info thought to let you know that this problem still exists. Good luck again and all the best.
It's true, I tried again later when there was no connection. But can't say that too many times. And I couldn't connect already on the first try, so I thought something was being done and so I tried again later, but I didn't know which password is correct, the new or the old. So there was no choice but to try again with another password when the first didn't work. But now, yes I can log in with both, ie with sftp and with ftp, but still with old password only and on plesk with new one only. Anyway thanks, I'll wait a few days then try changing passwords again.
Thanks and glad you found it. But now everything is down for a long time already, maybe about day. Neither http/https nor ftp.
So what has happened in the meantime. I restored my account as suggested ie automatically. The result is generally OK, but a Reset Password was needed. Everything went well with that too. But I would like to note that before the restore I wasn't able to log in to Plesk, but was able log in using ftp using the same old password. After updating the password, I can access Plesk with the new password, but I can still use new password with ftp, there I must log in with the old password. However, I can't with the new one. When I check the password in the Plesk panel, I see there the old password. So now I need three different passwords, one to log into Plesk, the second to use ftp and a third one to use the forum. At the same time I see on Plesk only my old password, not the new one. Maybe it changes after some time when cache is cleaned up. Don't know. Too much, isn't it? Also, I haven't tested the email yet, so I don't know what password it can be used with. The post is just to let you know what the problem is still there.
You seem to have a good sense of humor.
And what is the situation now to know something at all, that could do or what could be done? And is there any hope that it will recover in the next few days, or when is there any hope at all?
Is the email support@heliohost.org still working? I've been trying to get help using it for days now, but nothing seems to be going through.
Thanks, no need to answer. Now I found it and now everything is OK. At least no problems have been discovered yet.
I received a notice about a week ago that I will be transferred or have already been transferred, but how do I get in there? I mean Plesk.
Please install my temporary SSL certificate, I uploaded into two places as a .zip file /public_ftp/incoming /etc/astron.heliohost.org File name astron.heliohost.org.zip Thanks for help.
Don't you really think if it's an anomaly in your system when you write something like this here? Could this be a consequence of the corona? Or You really don't think at all nothing. It's nonsense, Dear General.
Well, it seems like there's no point in even trying to talk to you about something when you talk like that.The funniest part about this is that you recommend:"Feel free to submit a bug report to cPanel or top or CentOS if you think their tools aren't working correctly." You probably didn't even realize I didn't have access to cpanel ???? So far no ac cess anywhere because everything has been blocked. I wonder how I can write something there or watch something from there if don't have access already about week or more??? And one more thing - look what's here - only Suspended, Suspended, Suspended, no access, Error 500, etc. This is the only place that is not blocked. Even the email you have blocked !!! Sorry, I forgot. On October 28th I got about 5 min to be on cpanel and then it was all over again.
Look, I don't know where or how you get such numbers, but they're not really possible. Shortly - these numbers are wrong, more correctly such a results are neve impossible.Probably my knowledge and skills are too small to understand such chemistry, but I would still like to understand where and how you get such numbers. Unfortunately, I did not found the ansver to my question from your answer.It is very difficult to understand how it is possible to use 300-400 GB of RAM if I have never even had so much file uploaded to the server and when I open a simple 10-20KB html where is even no javascript included, is only couple lines html and couple css lines. Or am I also wrong that the server has been down for a long time again? I don't know, I can't see anything other than this forum here.I don't have any access anywhere. Even not possible to make acccount emty. OK, make the server available and I'll empty it and I want to see what those numbers are and what they will be if my account is at all empty.
I wanted to pack (backup) my things, but unfortunately again I couldn't. No access. I have never experienced anything like this before.OK.
But could you be such a nice person and say how much is this 100% in real numbers or in real life and one more thing - I suspect there is something wrong with your system or system settings, because I really have one simple html website opened at a time, which the size is usually 10-20 kB. Even today, I have not opened more than two websites at once. But this chart of yours is something absurd. There must be something very wrong there. This, what I see on this diagram, it's nonsense. I'm sorry, but I'm 60+ and I've been involved in computing, electronics, and website development all my life. I also have a corresponding higher education and have about 40 year prctice. So I think I can still do a little analysis of the operation of one server and its problems. PS. This is not said like something bad, but a desire to help you solve this problem.
Could you explain what this big burden or causing high server load means. Where can I see it for myself? I visit it a few times a week and there are only a few dozen mega used at all. I'm the only user, I don't have there absolutely nohthing for anyone other, simply to say, it's for some code testing and changing for simple sites. Usually I even don't use any jQuery and or ajax there. So, how can be high load and huge traffic as You said. I haven't uploaded or downloaded anything there, the amount should have been completely 0 for a long time.OK. If it's a lot, I don't even need it.Thanks (), but I want to know, where I can see this above told huge usage and how much is the huge usage. Some minutes later..Now I got to watch it. This is really awesome. Regardless of whether I'm blocked or not, the usage is pretty much the same, mostly all time the same...Here it is ...Like I said, I didn't have any access. Site was blocked.
I have been seeing such a site for a long time, I can't find any information.Account Suspended - https://astron.heliohost.org/cgi-sys/suspendedpage.cgiAlso there is no access to anything else, only this site.Do I need to search for a new server?
Suspended and Queued Accounts Unable to find the cause of the problem. Is it money?
Dear friend, I do not understand your wishes in any way if the current version of Wordpress is WordPress 5.2.3 and it's default PHP version is 5.6.20.What are you talking about or what you really want? Simply cannot understand You.
Thank you. I do not hurry but I want to know what's going on and when everything is ok. I can wait but the information is important.For example, I have not understand, are the old accounts deleted and everyone must re register or how it should be done. On one day is the train gone and then may be too late to know...I don't hurry because I see there are also problems with the other server. Why burden it even more.I'll wait, maybe won't die before it starts working again. And if should die, then all is well. No more problems. Good luck to everyone.
Thank you very much for your polite attitude and your very meaningful response.