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Everything posted by cridus

  1. I don't know if you guys did something, but now it's working!
  2. The page still can't be found after flushing the DNS and even using another browser. I tried with my phone too. Is it just a matter of time? Edit: For some reason also any call I make to my application either gives me the error page or stays there loading and the browser says "the connection was reset". I did re-deploy my .war (without modifying anything) and there's no error in its logs... I don't know what to do... The "errors" view in cPanel shows nothing.
  3. So, if I'm getting a 404 on a static page in the "public_html" folder does it mean I have to flush the dns? And, more or less, when will the page become viewable again by everyone? It's the page with the privacy policy of my application and if it's not visible Chrome and/or Mozilla might send a warning to make me fix it (my app is the backend of a Chrome extension & Firefox add-on).
  4. wow, so fast! Thank you! edit: It seems Java is already enabled too.
  5. Hello. A few weeks ago, I was already on Tommy and Tomcat was either being very slow or had crashed/was stuck, so I reported the problem on the Discord support chat. Over there, I was told that if I would move to Johnny it would have relieved some of Tommy's load, so I accepted, expecting (obviously) that Johnny's Tomcat would fare better. It doesn't. It's unusable almost all the time (most of the times I have to wait several minutes to load a static html page). I can't go on like this, so, can I please be moved back to Tommy? I didn't make a thread to be moved to Johnny that time, Krydos moved me almost on-the-fly after I agreed in the chat. Thanks in advance.
  6. It deployed now. Thanks!
  7. I think Tomcat isn't working on Johnny, or something. My .war fails to deploy. That happens from time to time. Pls halp. Thanks >.<
  8. What if I don't want a temporary account and I'm gonna make mine once Tommy is back? Can I use the old address then?
  9. Whaaat, why?? (But I guess that maybe I can just make an alias in Gmail)
  10. Hi, this morning I tried deploying my .war while the server was down and now it's stuck like that. Can someone please help me with it? Tank you very much in advance.
  11. Same here. It's been at least 5 hours now...
  12. Ok thanks, I didn't know that directories have to be executable.
  13. The odd thing is, I've tried setting the permissions to 666 to the "logs" folders and also creating the file manually with 666, but the application still won't write in it. But if I create the file in "/home/cridus10" with those same permissions, it can be written to. Do you know why that could be? P.S. I had edited my previous post.
  14. It wasn't a log of my app, no. I'll try logging into a file directly in my home folder ("/home/cridus10")... Edit: Ok! I changed the path to that folder and also I manually created the log file and gave it the right permissions instead of letting the application create it, and now it manages to write to it. Sorry for bothering you.
  15. Thanks, I've changed the permissions to the "logs" folder to give read and write permissions to "world", but the log file still doesn't get created... The path was correct. I asked Krydos yesterday on Discord. He hasn't replied yet but it's understandable since it's Christmas.
  16. Hi, yesterday I deployed a new version of my .war but something didn't work. I mean, it did deploy successfully and I can use methods that access the database through a management page, but there's a scheduled job that isn't running. Unfortunately, I've set my application to write in its own log file under "home/cridus10/logs", but the file doesn't get created at all. Does it lack permissions? Can you please look at my app's logs to see if there's an error and give the stack trace to me in private? Thank you very much.
  17. Thanks, I noticed it earlier today.
  18. Will my .war be deployed again automatically? I have to go to sleep now so I can't do it myself before around 8 hours from now...
  19. So, today my .war stopped responding for some reason. In the "errors" view in the cPanel I saw it was looking for a file called "502.shtml", which doesn't exist. So I guess it was giving error 502 ("bad gateway"). I tried re-deploying it, and it said "deployment failed with errors". Can you please tell me what happened? I didn't change the .war at all, it stopped working by itself.
  20. Oh, ok. Could it be because something was still being in use? Though I don't open up any "closeable" resource, besides the database connections that are managed by a library (which never gave me any problems when undeploying an app).
  21. So, today I made a small change in one file of my .war, and redeployed it. The deployment has been pending for around 2 hours, even though the wiki says it shouldn't take more than a couple of minutes (I didn't change the .war's name). I'd just like to know why it takes so long. How does the deployment process work?
  22. Today it went down again. I tried re-deploying it around an hour ago but the deployment is still pending. It has never taken this long to deploy it. I'ts not super urgent right now, though. Edit: it got deployed sometime in the last 10 hours or so.
  23. I have a java backend deployed on Tommy, I also re-deployed it just to be sure, but when I try to reach it through one of the endpoints (that I can't write here) I get a 404 page. It was working fine yesterday. Edit: I tried again now and it works... I dunno. Anyway, for some reason sometime in the last 13 hours or so it stopped working even though in cPanel it said "deployed".
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