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Everything posted by cridus

  1. Thanks, yes now it says "cridus10_ds3cb".
  2. Ok, thanks for all the help. By the way, isn't it a bug the fact that the java page tells you the wrong context root? It told me it's "ds3cb" when it was actually "cridus10_ds3cb".
  3. Oh, I see! I tried with just "ds3cb" because in the java page it says Deployed. http://ds3cheatersblocker.heliohost.org/ds3cb/and not Deployed. http://ds3cheatersblocker.heliohost.org/cridus10_ds3cb/I didn't think about trying with my username. (Can I not put my username in the war's name, by the way? I think someone told me it's required, but I'd prefer for people to not find out my username by looking at the http calls I make.) Thanks for the help!
  4. Ok Java is back, I deployed my war (cridus10_ds3cb.war) and tried again to call one of the endpoints I configured: http://ds3cheatersblocker.heliohost.org/ds3cb/getcheatersResult: I get a 404 error and this is what shows in the errors log in my cPanel: AH00128: File does not exist: /home/cridus10/public_html/ds3cb/getcheatersI don't understand why it's trying to look for a file in the public_html folder. Shouldn't my http calls reach my war at the "ds3cheatersblocker.heliohost.org/ds3cb" http address? Please help me solve this problem before Java expires again for me... I can't use my war to keep it active exactly because it's not receiving the calls I make to it...
  5. Ok, the problem I had was that my war couldn't receive the calls I did to it the right way. It would only look for .jsp files in the public_html folder instead of handling the calls with the REST controllers I configured. I don't know if that has to do with some particular configuration of your tomcat... On my tomcat 8.5.29 it works as it should.
  6. Wooot, wait, let me check. Edit: Odd, it was active until very few days ago. Can you guys please reactivate it? Or should I request it with the button in the tomcat page?
  7. Okk, sorry, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't simply being ignored or that you guys didn't see I had made a new post.
  8. Can I bump this? >_> Edit: Or should I open a new thread, at this point?
  9. Let's assume that my domain is "cridus10.heliohost.org", the application's name is "MyBackend" and the endpoint is "myendpointurl": I simply call http://cridus10.heliohost.org/MyBackend/myendpointurlwith a REST client and instead of receiving my call to that endpoint that has its own controller, for some reason it tries to see if there's a jsp called "myendpointurl" in the "public_html" folder. On my pc I installed Tomcat 8.5.29, which is almost the same version you have, and it works as expected, it doesn't try at all to find any jsp page. Edit: I mean, I probably can make a jsp that calls my service and prints the json instead, but it's kinda stupid, having configured a REST controller for that.
  10. Ok, finally, it deployed. Now I have to solve the problem of it giving 404 on urls that should exist, and that do work on my tomcat in localhost... Edit: Wait wait wait. I checked the errors page in cPanel and I found this: File does not exist: /home/cridus10/public_html/MyBackend/myendpointurl Why is it by default looking for things in the public_html folder? I'm supposed to call an endpoint in my backend that does stuff and gives me back some data. My backend has no need for .jsp pages, for now (but I'll probably make one to insert data in the db more easily). How do I map/configure endpoints so that they aren't looked for in the public_html folder?
  11. Okay, I've used the right user, changed the password to one that has no special characters, but it still fails. Please help me understand if my MySQL connection config is right. Let's say that my database's name is "cridus10_MyDatabase" and my user "cridus10_myuser": datasource url: jdbc:mysql://localhost/cridus10_MyDatabase user: cridus10_myuser password: <a password with no special characters> (and another two things that I don't know whether or not they must be set when working with something else than Java, too) driverClassName: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver jpa.properties.hibernate.dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5Dialect Sorry for wasting your time...
  12. Thanks. It must be another issue with special characters, lol They are written in the .yml file so maybe I have to escape some. Edit: I'm an idiot, the user had to start with "cridus10_" too...
  13. Thanks. I'm in no hurry, I'm still finishing the front-end.
  14. Thanks. I had set the host name as "localhost:3306" because I've found it written in a thread here in the forums. Also the file name did not have my username as the prefix. I'll try again after correcting those two things.
  15. I've downloaded Tomcat 8.5.29 to try on my pc first, and it works. I don't have MySQL though, so maybe the connection config is wrong...
  16. I'm on Tommy, I tried to deploy my file through cPanel, it took a long time and in the end it was it failed with errors. Can I find the logs by myself or are you guys the only ones able to see them? Thanks for the help.
  17. It was https://heliohost.org/login/.
  18. Hi, I'd like to be moved to Tommy. My username is "cridus10" and the confirmation number of my donation (made with paypal) is 19410941D0786401A. Thanks. p.s. I accidentally requested Java on Johnny, a while ago...
  19. Odd, it was 26 characters long, but the one I'm using now is of the same length and it worked.
  20. I wasn't sure where to create this thread... Basically, for heliohost.org I've set a randomly-typed very complicated password with several special characters in it. Now that I can log in there, when I input it the site tells me "invalid login". I've tried by both copy-pasting it and re-writing it manually, so I am sure it's not me making a mistake. The most particular special characters contained in my password are: < & % ( / ? ^ : It already happened to me in the past that a site had a problem with certain special characters in the password (it was with "<" and ">", in that case), so I thought it was worth telling you guys. I'm gonna change my password, in the meantime. Edit: I changed my password to one with less and "simpler" special characters and now it works.
  21. I guess you don't use Java 1.8, right? I haven't seen it written anywhere. Edit: nevermind, I managed to make a .war and to make it run with java 1.7.
  22. Ok, I suspected that. I'll have to find out how to make it become a .war...
  23. So, I need hosting for the backend of a small application I'm doing. It's very simple and I made it with Spring Boot. This allows me to run the compiled .jar file just with java -jar TheJarFile.jar (assuming the jar's name is "TheJarFile.jar").It runs on its own, self-contained Tomcat. Is it possible to use something like this in your servers? Or do I absolutely need to have a .war file? Side question: do I need to prevent by myself people from trying to DDoS me (it's not very likely but it's possible) or do you already protect your servers from that kind of things? Thanks for the help.
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