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Everything posted by Kyougi

  1. Kyougi

    Progress on Plans

    I can't wait! What do you mean about ad plans, like web hosting with ads?
  2. Or DOES it? What about any deity, any god? THey're all absolutely powerful, and none of them are corrupt! A conspiracy is afoot! In my experience with lappy, he tries to make out the truth out of his data... but from what I've gathered, KC is only about half guilty. However, I am somewhat biased, so forget my opinion. Yes, but the absolute wisdom such things have allow guidance. Power without guidance is chaos. I'm thinking KC is gone >.<
  3. I've been getting quit abit of timeouts from this site, do you think it's gonna affect anybody?
  4. Oh, now we're going with armies? War is futile! *laughs and releases a new mutated strand of ebola on KC's and GM_268's army*
  5. Wow, is KC truely this slow, or is he just joking? *points to HerLoss* Yes, you?
  6. The account that complimented the other.
  7. We have two admins keeping peace, that's enough to hold a community of five.
  8. *gasps* It's Lappy! Well, it's hard to know who to trust in a situation like this, so you have to go with your gut... thinking about this too much would make your head hurt.
  9. There once was a little boy. He always felt the need to act out, act up. Did he want to be respected? Did he want to be loved? No one could tell by his foolish acts. One day, he came up to a place of people's gatherings. The child then greeted the people there with profanity, expecting to be able to stay, even though there is a no profanity sign right in front. He swiftly got evicted. The boy just laughed, and silently plots his revenge for something he did. Do we all know who he is? EDIT: Please move this to the right forum, I put this in the wrong area >.<
  10. *Nite's clone's clone steps out* Quit it! 499 (Who's gonna get the honor of making th 500th post?)
  11. *Nite has an anti-roasting suit on, and touches KC, transfering the heat it's built up to KC, which in turn burns him.*
  12. So now myscrnnm finnaly gets banned along with the "sister account." Intresting...
  13. *gasps* Oh well, what's done is done. Only thing that matters is that you're sorry for it =)
  14. GRAMMATICAL ERROR, MINUS ONE MILLION HELIONS! lol I don't think there is a need for new moderators yet, even though the old have grown inactive. This community is just too small for the moment...
  15. Well, on my other host, I'm using about 1.3 GB, but only because I've loaded so many useless things onto it.
  16. You can't blame him, you're putting yourself 5 WHOLE posts away each time you give away 50 =) Btw, thanks for the 50 helions. It saved me from that 20 point deduction =)
  17. Lol, what's the world comming to! If we all sat down and listened to some dead dudes, we'd all be fine.
  18. I've done an essay on Piracy once, too lazy to go over it again, but I support it. Too many greedy corporations these days.
  19. *Nite's clone steps out and laughs at Nite's dead body* 497
  20. *kicks the chair KC was sitting in with as self-kicking machine and watches him writhe*
  21. I wouldn't worry so much mod-wise about 2.0, because the mods for 2.0 only outclass 1.3 by alittle.
  22. Not to mention chop it up with horrible grammatical errors a kid in sixth grade could fix... Poor myscrnnm... well not so poor since he brought it on himself. @ HerLoss: People can only change if you allow them to =/
  23. Oh well, I tried. I like what you've changed his member title to. I'm still proud of my post >.<
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