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Everything posted by Kyougi

  1. Lol, I just needed to make the seven fire marks =)
  2. There is a XP 64-bit edition. I have a copy of it. And Longhorn will come out both 32-bit and 64-bit I believe. Hehe, I've had a chance to play around with Longhorn, it is teh roxxors. Really? I used to have connections, but when I asked him, he said F you and we got in a fist fight.
  3. Great to see you care so much DJBob
  4. Hmm, this isn't working for me >.< EDIT: NVM, my QTP was just horribly outdated.
  5. Wrong, because my number is bigger than yours =) 613
  6. *laughs at Herloss* Umm... oops *laughs at Herloss('s avatar)* ^.^
  7. Instant ban from XBox Live if you play Halo 2 >.< PS2 and GC on the other hand is different =)
  8. Well, you got ta think of it this way, there was hardly anything TO break =) Now that these fancy new computers have come around, there just is too many features and it's bound to have some bugs =)
  9. Gawd man, shoulda told us the specs =) There you go, AMD for gaming, and Intel for business... I'd go for the AMD just for the Radion >.< I don't like Intel's integrated video and audio chipsets. The Intel is still faster by a margin at least, and doesn't have that "GREAT" anti-freeze-by-restarting-your-freaking-computer-whether-you-like-it-or-not-because-your-processor-is-overwhelmed.
  10. I'll lend you some Helions if you are running tight =)
  11. Lol, NA? We could have a password that short?
  12. Normal members don't see a reply count? 604
  13. Well, we might of mentioned it once in a while =)
  14. Those were the good old days But now are the good NEW days :yay:
  15. Haha, how 'bout "Her666" or "666loss"
  16. 584 Uhh, holy cow, how the hell did I miss two pages >.< lol
  17. Kyougi

    Termination Week

    Comcast or something?
  18. How about "Owner_of_the_666"
  19. I've been meaning to post something like that ^.^ Hmm... I'm bored *clicks Ezekiel's Sig* How about a "Create Your Own Song" or a "Screw DJBob and You Think You Can Make a Better Logo" competition? JK about the latter
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