Once apon a HelioNet, a pyromaniac named Gamemaster_268 was setting random things on FIRE. He set his sofa on FIRE, he set his computer on FIRE, he even set his pets on FIRE. One day, the townsman came to his door with pitchforks and torches lit with FIRE, angry that their beautiful town was now a ruin due to GM_268's FIRE obsession. He was ironically to die at the stake, torched to death. They were to take Hell's fire and burn him, cursing him to the abyss, but the FIRE within him could not be extinguished. His spirit haunted the townsmen, setting random things on FIRE. "Fire, fire" his call could be heard, even from here... and GM_268 lived (or died) happily ever after =)
Evil, Majazac, Light, Grail, Holy, Reply