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allu62 last won the day on July 30 2023

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About allu62

  • Birthday 04/19/1962

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  1. Thanks for the information. And sorry for the (rather stupid) question. After the long years that I host my website at the very best webspace provider's worldwide, I should have known the answer. 😍
  2. It's VPS43. The payment is made, using the link above, which directly leads to PayPal with all data filled in. If you need the transaction code, please, let me know. Also, we did not cancel the automatic renewal this time. So, normally, you should get the money automatically every 6 months. Just to be sure, what happems if, for one reason or another, automatic payment does not work? You will not delete the VPS, without contacting the user, do you? Thanks.
  3. Hi! The subscription of my VPS must be renewed this week. I saw that the link that Krydos made for me in January is still active. However, it leads to a page where you have to choose a given plan. 3 questions: 1. Should I use this link? 2. Can you, please, tell me which plan I'm actually using? 3. If I use this "general link", with someone else paying the subscription, will you be able to make the relationship between the payment and my account (the email used for the payment will be the same as each time these last years)? Would it, please, be possible to confirm the renewal when I'll have paid (just to be sure...). Thanks.
  4. The subscription is paid. If you don't find it, please, let me know, and I'll post the transaction number. Thanks a lot, and sorry again that I was some days too late. A nice day to the whole team!
  5. Hi. I think that the subscription for my VPS has ended some days ago. I'm really sorry, but I didn't pay attention and did not check the date, where I have to renew. The VPS is still running (big thanks). Can you please post me a link, where I can renew for another 6 (or 12) month (remember that I can't make an automatically done payment each 6 months, because it's not me paying myself). Sorry again, and thanks for the link (it's ok for me to pay a penality for not having been within the delays...).
  6. Thanks, Krydos. Everything OK again, including PHP. If you think that it's reasonable to let everything as is, that's really fine for me. The "Unable to connect" was probably due to a WiFi hotspot that blocks port 8083. Yes, and now a nice example that demonstrates that computers are sometimes more magic than science: For the first time during months, Hestia CP is entirely functional again! I could access the control panel, all was OK, except for spamassassin not running. No problem to start it...
  7. Hi, Krydos. Have you run any fixes on my VPS? I ask, because my website is up again! How is this possible? You said that my VPS is not on the server affected by the filesystem scan. So, what may have changed? I just tried to access the site; it not only works but response time seems better than usually. Static content, Perl and MySQL is all OK. Only PHP seems not to work anymore (I get an error 500 with my directory listings). Another thing that has changed is that https://vps43.heliohost.us:8083/login/ doesn't give an errror 500 as it did before, but an "Unable to connect" message from the web browser. Have you an idea what that means? Having in mind that it's really not the moment for me to stress myself with admin tasks, what would you suggest? Letting all run as it is? Updating Ubuntu and/or Hestia? How great is the risk that doing so will "kill everything"?
  8. If Krydos thinks that he can fix the problem in less than 40 minutes, it's ok. Otherwise, I think that the best solution is to delete all my webdata on your servers and cancel the accounts allu and allu62. Thanks for, during some 5 years (I think), you have given me the impression to exist, to be a real human being. Thanks to everyone in this really great community who gave me some advice and suggestions during this time.
  9. Maybe you remember that I couldn't access my VPS because of problems with Hestia (components not updating, nginx not working ...)? Well, I did a backup of the site some months ago, but I never started to find the problem with Hestia. So, I think that we can say that it was just a question of time before this happened. My fault! Starting with subscribing for a VPS. I should have known that I've neither the knowledge, nor the patience, nor the will to be a sysadmin. I guess that returning onto Tommy could be a solution. But, I think that perhaps the time has come to abandon my stupid idea to run a website. That the crash of the VPS happens at a moment where I've been another time betrayed by the social system of this f* country and where another time I am in a situation where I have to accept and to suffer without having any possibility to defend myself, even not to complain, is perhaps just a sign of the gods (whoever they are) that it's time for me to give up...
  10. Hello (after a long time). Yesterday evening still ok, I actually get a timeout for https://www.streetinfo.lu/ Pinging www.streetinfo.lu is ok, so no DNS problem... Can anyone, please, tell me if the site is down (it is hosted on vps43.heliohost.us)? Has anyone an idea what's the reason? What can I do/should I try? Thanks in advance for help...
  11. I'm relieved; I really thought something was wrong on my system. Of course, for you it's not so funny. I hope that you'll find a solution soon... Concerning MBAM, interesting to see that you use it, too. The blacklisting must be recent, I suppose, because it's only during the last few weeks that Browser Guard complained. And concerning people, who use free website hosting platforms for phishing ... in my opinion, they should be banned forever... Thanks. And as I said, I hope that you get rid of the DDoS attacker soon.
  12. Is it possible that Heliohost was down during some time today (around 16-17 o'clock GMT+2)? I got a time-out for both heliohost.org and my VPS. Neither of them could be pinged and vps43.heliohost.us was not resolved. I just ask because such things "make me crazy" and I want to be sure that there's nothing wrong with my connection or whatever on my computer. Another question: Do you have any idea why Heliohost (at least some of your pages) are blackmailed by Malwarebytes Browser Guard? Thanks.
  13. Thanks. I backed up /etc (seems to contain the ssh config) and the entire /var. Not to restore, but to have it, if (in the case of a necessary OS reinstallation) I should need some files located there... Concerning Hestia and Nginx, I hope that I'll find the courage to do what I have to do during the next weeks. Concerning the backup of a Linux server and the use of the "tar" command, if there are other people who run a VPS without being a "real" sysadmin and who are not sure how to proceed, the new tutorial on my website, describing in detail what I did to bakup /home and my MaraiDB databases, might perhaps be helpful...
  14. I still haven't looked to solve my "Hestia down" problem, but a first step is made: I've made a backup of the /home directory (using tar) and exported my databases (using phpMyAdmin). New things learned 🙂 The question that remains is if there is any need respectively any sense to back up other directories? Is there any important data (such as configuration files), that I would or could need in the case I'd have to reinstall the whole, outside the home directory? Would a "real" sysadmin back up another directory or part of it? Thanks for any suggestion. A nice day to everyone!
  15. Thanks a lot. And sorry not to do "as I should". But, I think that it would be respectless to make an automatic renewal debit on the credit card of someone else... I'll make the payment tomorrow or Thursday. Do you still have the email address of my sponsor (it's that email that will appear on the payment documents)? Can you please confirm me what exactly you did when Hestia was down on my VPS? An update of Ubuntu (not of Hestia)? I ask because it's happening again. For the major part my own fault, because I didn't update Ubuntu (Hestia updates automatically, I think). No doubt that if I don't want to risk to loose my website, I'll have to become more serious concerning the administration of the VPS! Have a nice day.
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