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Everything posted by tommygun

  1. If this guy ever comes back or if someone else is looking for help, I'm connecting to my websocket with "ws://tommygun.heliohost.org/socket/"I noticed he's got ws://hhdavidh.heliohost.org/Server/ANY I'm thinking the next step would be to replicate what I have as closely as possible, so I'd see what could be done about removing the /Server/ part of that url, and I'd also double check that the endpoint is named ANY in the java code.
  2. Thanks for the support! It appears to be working. Yes I'd like to be moved to Johnny so long as the domain remains the same! I'll see what I can do to help that guy!
  3. Hello! Thanks for all the great support from the staff here! I'm trying to re-deploy my .war after the Tommy failure, I've got Java access, I've restored my .war from the backup, but then I hit this error message: Java deployment failed with errors. For further information please contact support. Could I get the log for the failure? What might be causing this issue now when it worked before the Tommy failure? Best, Adam username: tommygun domain: tommygun.heliohost.org
  4. Looks sorted. Thanks alot!
  5. a. tommygun b. tommy (pre meltdown) c. tommygun.heliohost.org Hi! Thanks for the service you guys offer, I really appreciate it. I'm having trouble re-creating my account after the trouble on the Tommy server. I downloaded a backup of my data, followed the steps to sign up and validate again, then after clicking the validation link, waiting for the account to be set up, I logged back in to find I was back to the recovery page. This one: "That account has been backed up and then taken offline due to extended maintenance on the server that you were on. Occasionally we need to rebuild our servers to keep them operating at peak performance. " I repeated the process to find the same thing happens, so I'm reaching out for support. If it's too much trouble to fix this account, could you simply remove the DNS entry for tommygun.heliohost.org? I should be able to then re-use that domain on another account! It's the domain that's important. Thanks!! Adam
  6. Thanks! I'll wait for Tommy to return to operation!
  7. Hello HH! It's been really great hosting my java based matchmaking server for a small indie strategy game through your services! I donate regularly and am very supportive of this organization and what it means for internet culture in general! That said I've experienced some critical issues that are preventing active users from enjoying the game! Please see the following message: "That account has been backed up and then taken offline due to inactivity. HelioHost has a limited capacity for active accounts, but we are very popular. So in order to make room for new active users we occasionally have to take down old abandoned accounts. We recommend downloading your backup, and then creating a new account. If you need help with anything please don't hesitate to contact support." I'm getting this message despite signing into the account as far as the Cpanel dashboard. I do regularly re-activate the account when I miss a renewal. Please re-enable my account! Java access is crucial for the use of this service -- a precious resource that I only recently regained! If you could bump me back into Java access that would be superb! Please see my post history for confirmation of these words! Time is of the essence as the game is currently discounted on Steam! Best, Adam Username: tommygun Server: Tommy Web: http://tommygun.heliohost.org
  8. Yes I believe I was suspended for inactivity, then I renewed my account. The page itself probably doesn't see much traffic at all, but the matchmaking server connects players every day! Given that the Steam Summer Sale has just begun, I'd really appreciate an exception here Can I (should I?) contact Krydos? How?
  9. Thank you for the responses! The account is not suspended, I'm in queue to receive Java access on Tommy. I'm posting because I'd like to be bumped up the queue, having had Java access until the suspension.
  10. a. your HelioHost username tommygun b. the server your account is on Tommy c. your HelioHost main domain http://tommygun.heliohost.org/ Hi! I run a tiny little matchmaking server for an indie VR game called Warpaint. It's Java based, and is normally working fantastically. I recently got suspended and lost Java access. I would really appreciate being bumped up the Java queue, especially because the Steam summer sale is right around the corner. I donate once a year Best, Adam
  11. I think that would work. It's not exactly elegant, but I'd much appreciate that. http://tommygun.heliohost.org/warpaint11/log Thanks! If you guys want free Steam keys to play the game, I'm happy to send them PM me
  12. A minute or so of downtime doesn't bother me. Does anyone know if I can Java hook into the tomcat startup process? Currently my init doesn't run until someone visits a servelet for the first time. Thanks for the replies folks
  13. Thanks I'd be very surprised to learn the resets are from extremely frequent updates.
  14. Hi all, Wonderful service so far, really happy with this website. I'm running a Java server on Tommy, and I notice that it gets restarted or put to sleep regularly. Is this intended? The server I'm running was designed to run constantly. I need to regularly access a servlet page in order to keep the matchmaking service running. Cheers, Tommygun
  15. Ok so I've been learning a lot about Apache Tomcat, .htaccess, and javax websockets. I've got the bear minimum working, thanks to Root Admin's help For anyone who's trying to set up their own Java websocket, here are some things I learned: -I had to create and edit .htaccess in my public html folder RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^tommygun\.heliohost\.org$ [OR] RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.tommygun\.heliohost\.org$ RewriteRule ^socket\/(.*) "ws\:\/\/127\.0\.0\.1\:8080\/tommygun_warpaint11\/socket" [P,L] -I had to redirect my request to port 8080 for some reason -I had to change the redirect protocol from http to ws -I also had to hack the path to suit the war deployment folder: "<MyUsername>_<.warname>" -Then I had to append the server endpoint annotation "socket" in my case. That was enough to get non-encrypted websocket chatter going between my game client and my server. However, the game client won't connect with wss. Using a browser / javascript based websocket client allowed me to connect wss, so there must be something I don't know about my game client's websocket implementation. Furthermore, setting the rewrite rule to accept any string regex : (.*) didn't help, so I can assume both websocket clients are sending the same request. I might look into this further, but it works for now. Thanks again!
  16. Thank you so much for lending a hand! I've added a file named '.htaccess' in the folder specified. I'm unfamiliar with the rules, but I've pasted what you sent me. I'm still unable to connect, and I've exhausted my own debugging potential. Urls I've attempted to connect with: wss://tommygun.heliohost.org/warpaint11/socket ws://tommygun.heliohost.org/warpaint11/socket wss://tommygun.heliohost.org/socket ws://tommygun.heliohost.org/socket Perhaps I should better familiarize myself with Apache.
  17. Hello all, So far it's been pretty great to be able to use this service. I'm still learning the ropes here, I'm struggling to get my Java websocket up and running. I'm trying to run a small matchmaking service for my indie game Warpaint. I've got Java enabled on Tommy, and my .war is successfully deployed. Servelets respond as expected. I'm not sure exactly how to structure the url to access the websocket, or how to test that the program is listening for incoming websocket connections. Here's what worked at my last hosting solution: (wss://warpaint-l4dd3r.rhcloud.com:8443/socket) I'm aware that the default websocket ports, 443 / 8080 should work for Heliohost, so I'm trying this url: (wss://tommygun.heliohost.org/warpaint11/socket) But it's not working, and I'm not sure how I might continue debugging. Has anyone set up a Java websocket on here before? Best, Adam
  18. Hey that's awesome news thanks a lot! According to the wiki I need to request access to ASP.NET for Tommy on the forums, may I do so here and now? I'd like to run both Java and ASP.NET. Perfect, Java has just recently been enabled on my account!
  19. Hi all, Super cool service you've got set up. I'm trying to get it all working for me, and I'd like to ask about some logistics. I'm running a small indie game development company, and I like to run really small, light, websocket servers to do things like stats and matchmaking. That in addition to .html splash pages. I've got an existing server written in Java that I'd like to use here. I've just received access on the Tommy server, and I'm in the queue for Java support -- so that's great. I'm migrating from Openshift due to their policy changes. I'm posting here now because I have to write a new server for my next game soon, and since I'd like to use C#, ASP.NETbecomes a good choice. May I run both a Java websocket and C# websocket applications? I'm happy to donate if it all works out, this place seems like a young hacker's oasis. Best, Tommygun
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