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Krydos last won the day on January 21

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  1. Remote access enabled. host= port=5432 user=paulcordova_pg01 dbname=paulcordova_northwind_pg password=<set in Plesk>
  2. Since you provided more information in your email I was able to see that the reason you can't login is because you're using the username root instead of the one you chose during signup, and the one that is listed as your SSH username in the email. See my response as well here
  3. Have you tried resetting your password? https://heliohost.org/reset/
  4. I already changed your email address back to the one you created your account with before I even posted that.
  5. The other thing I noticed is you set your contact email to an address hosted on your HelioHost account. This is the equivalent of locking your spare car keys inside your car. If you lose access to your account and can't check your email how do you expect to be able to reset your password and regain access to your account?
  6. 59 MB of content and 950 MB of backups... If you set up automated backups, and never delete any of them, they eventually fill your entire account. We recommend downloading them and deleting them from the server. Can you login now?
  7. DKIM, SPF, and DMARC have been set up for the domain stampaner.nl. We recommend sending a test email to https://www.mail-tester.com/ to make sure that everything is set up correctly. If you get less than a 10/10 score please post a link to the full report so we can help you fix any other issues that there may be.
  8. If you go to https://heliohost.org and scroll down about 2 inches you can see that it already exists Also if you login the latest news post is shown in your dashboard too.
  9. You can privately DM images of government issued ID cards of two different people to @wolstech if both of you want to have your own account here. The ID images will be deleted as soon as verified. If you don't want to prove that there are two different people with 1 account each, you can both just use the one asterwind account. Each account can be upgraded to 6000 MB storage and have 10 domains so it's not that big of a deal to share an account if you don't want to provide images of your IDs.
  10. Krydos

    New Wiki

    After about 5 years of using GitBook for our wiki we've decided it is time to move on. We are now using a self-hosted MediaWiki site. The wiki is located at the same URL as it has always been https://wiki.helionet.org but since we just changed the DNS you may continue to see the old GitBook site for up to 4 hours. Let us know if you're interested in editing the wiki and we can create an account for you. Eventually we will offer a self-service way to create wiki accounts and reset wiki passwords, but for now we just want to get the new wiki launched so we don't have to keep two wikis up to date at the same time. We would love to hear any feedback you have on our new wiki.
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  11. If you want to use our nameservers they are actually ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org, not heliohost.us. On VPS we recommend using external DNS servers such as Cloudflare or your registrar's DNS system. The reason why is because if you need to make a change to your DNS records you can do so on your own without making a support request. If you use our nameservers there isn't currently a way for you to edit your own DNS records so an admin would have to do it for you. We don't mind helping you out with DNS changes, but you seem like an extremely impatient person so you might appreciate instant changes that you can do yourself rather than waiting up to 24 hours for a HelioHost admin to help you.
  12. Were you able to login to SSH before Hestia was installed?
  13. Hestia has been installed. For SSH it's the same as before with Username: kbp2025 Password: <chosen during signup> Port: 22 Host: For Hestia you login at https://vps120.heliohost.us:8083/login/ Username: admin Password: <same as kbp2025 SSH password> If you can't see the login page be sure your firewall allows outbound connections to port 8083.
  14. I renamed .htaccess to enable and disable it several times, and each time I enabled it PHP started showing blank white pages for everything, and when I disabled the .htaccess file PHP files would start working again. I didn't bother to look inside the .htaccess file because I try to focus on providing support for our servers, not support for code issues. I came to the conclusion that it was a code issue, not a server issue, so I marked this topic as solved. Not sure why the issue started in the first place. We definitely didn't mess with your files so either You edited it. The software itself caused the issue due to some bug. Some third party got access.
  15. Krydos

    Morty Available

    The Morty server has finally been released for new account signups! If you don't already have an account and want to try out our fastest server, head on over to https://heliohost.org/morty/ to signup. If you already have an account on Johnny or Tommy you can move your existing account to Morty at https://heliohost.org/dashboard/move instead. Only the Morty prepay option is available currently, but we will be releasing the Morty subscription option as well soon. With the prepay option you can make a one-time deposit to increase your Morty balance, and then each day that goes by reduces that balance by $0.0329 as long as you stay under 100 GB memory and 10k CPU usage. If you go over those limits you will be charged for the overage instead of suspended. The overage fee is $0.0005 per 1 GB memory usage and $0.005 per 1k CPU usage. The main advantage of the Morty prepay plan is you can save 16% to 21% over the cost of the subscription plan. With the subscription option, your first month is $1, and then you are charged for any overages at the start of the next month. If you stay under 100 GB memory and 10k CPU every single day you will be charged $1 every month until you cancel. If you exceed those limits you will be charged the same $0.0005 per 1 GB memory usage and $0.005 per 1k CPU on the next month's bill. The main advantage of the Morty subscription plan is you don't have to worry about forgetting to make one-time payments to increase your balance. You can just set it and forget it and your website will stay online as long as the payment continues to go through. Let us know if you have any feedback or questions about our new flagship server.
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