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Posts posted by Bailey

  1. There's always the option to use something like Hugo (gohugo.io) or Jekyll (jekyllrb.com) that allow you to code your website while offering lots of useful functions such as being able to easily import plugins etc. It then allows you to build your website via a command an outputs a folder full of CSS/JS/HTML which you can then upload. This also means it loads quicker and there is way less load on your account. 

  2. In my opinion, I don't think it is necessary to move as you, being a cPanel user, don't actually see any of the config files or have to edit them. All cPanel does is edit the backend files. Apache and Nginx do the same thing, so the only need to move such a big service over to Nginx from Apache would be if Apache reached EOL or it was limiting us. However, it is neither limiting us or reaching EOL so I think it is fine how it is.


    I do personally user Nginx purely because I find it easer to use. Krydos, who mainly edits the Apache files probably finds Apache easer to use, as do the other Root Admins so they have no need to change it either. 

  3. Woah! It’s already been a year for me on Heliohost and that’s actually awesome! I’ve done such lot and improved an enormous amount. Even if I still haven’t got that wiki finished. (Oops!)


    I’d just like to thank everyone here, the whole moderation team and even the people that just help out on the forums because you’re the people that have made this place a community, not just a support forum. And I think that because you have always helped me with my problems. And I remember my first post being that I’d got my IP blocked and it took about 3 unblocks to realise I’d put the wrong password in for my email client lol. And you all inspired me to learn more about the web because I was curious about how Heliohost worked and because of this I’m now in touch with a UK based web design company and I’m being given paid tasks by them. I’d dreamed of being a web developer, before that an astronaut but yeah, that wasn’t going to happen. And it’s amazed me thinking that a group of people online could help and support me so much to the fact that I’m now making websites for people within my little business. To me that’s just mind blown. From a 14 year old still learning CSS to a 15 year old with a small company. Not necessarily making a lot of money but that’s not the point... the point is how you’ve all helped me get there.


    For me, it’s awesome to see new people joining and testing their skills because it reminds me of me, and I know that everyone here is going to help them like they helped me.


    I’d also like to personally thank @Krydos because we have chatted for ages now about all sorts todo with tech and he’s the guy that got me hooked on Linux. He’s devoted his time to help me with problems when I’ve messaged him and explained a ton of stuff. Basically taught me how to use Linux and taught me about blockchain and heck! Even taught me a few things about the US lol.


    Thank you for everything!

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  4. @pctips, this is partly true but it depends on the type of command and whether Krydos or Wolstech actually want to run it due to some commands requiring a lot of resources or creating security vulnerabilitys.


    To anyone else reading this topic:

    It is best to either use software that doesn't need access to the terminal or build it locally and upload the built software to the server via FTP.

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