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Everything posted by Bailey

  1. No @Krydos doesn't and they are old but I don't want to edit them, just create new ones.
  2. The iP addresses are different. I think it's a problem on your behalf. Everyone else seems to be working fine Edit: @wolstech went into more detail. We posted at the same time.
  3. You haven't recently, but @Ashoat created this organisation a little while back when creating various things and I would like to start using it again for things like the wiki where we could edit the files and propose our ideas. It could also be used for the network traffic for instance. It's just an idea that's all.
  4. Hello, Can a member of the "HelioNetworks" organisation on github please add me to the organisation. My profile: https://github.com/BaileyJM02 Thanks, Bailey
  5. It is possible but I think you should make a Github project that we can all fork meaning the PHP is as efficient as possible.
  6. This doesn't work for me: https://bailey.guru/.well-known/heliohost.txt shows a 404
  7. And ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org have been registered because everyone else uses them.
  8. Can you send us a screenshot of where you have entered the namesavers please.
  9. Yes @wolstech, this is what I meant.
  10. Are you able to do this @jomgapuz? If not I will design one but I don't want to interfere.
  11. Due to it being only heliohost it shouldnt effect SEO and all sites should be manually verified.
  12. Its a good idea, for helio users only, are you able to set this up @mrj?
  13. Thank you, a very Merry Christmas to you and everyone else here at Helio, its been a delight using and collaborating with the community!
  14. No you can use the same email because you have to delete your Johnny server before signing up for Tommy.
  15. They need to be ns1.heliohost.org not ns1.heliohost.valeyvisit.tk And you need to change the Namesavers not edit DNS Records
  16. Bailey

    GZIP Module?

    Nevermind, thanks for your help @miwilc, I didnt realised but deflate is also uses GZIP.
  17. Bailey

    GZIP Module?

    How is it easier to install? 🤔
  18. Bailey

    GZIP Module?

    Thanks, but I would prefer GZIP and I dont want to use Cloudflare.
  19. Bailey

    GZIP Module?

    Is it possible for you to install this as I would really like it?
  20. Bailey

    GZIP Module?

    Hello, Is the GZIP module allowed/installed on the server configuration because I'm trying to use it but it isn't working. I'm sure this is to do with the server and not me. The snippet I'm using: <ifModule mod_gzip.c> mod_gzip_on Yes mod_gzip_dechunk Yes mod_gzip_item_include file .(html?|txt|css|js|php|pl)$ mod_gzip_item_include handler ^cgi-script$ mod_gzip_item_include mime ^text/.* mod_gzip_item_include mime ^application/x-javascript.* mod_gzip_item_exclude mime ^image/.* mod_gzip_item_exclude rspheader ^Content-Encoding:.*gzip.* </ifModule> Thanks, Bailey
  21. Dont forget to add the static directory: RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^(static/.*)$ - [L] to your .htaccess file that contains your .wsgi etc.
  22. Add this line to your apps "django.contrib.staticfiles" as this provides a convenience management command for gathering static files in a single directory so you can serve them easily. Set the STATIC_ROOT setting in the config file (I am unsure where this goes due to it being a while however it is in the file with the main configs) to the directory from which youd like to serve these files, for example: STATIC_ROOT = "C:/path/to/website/example.com/static/" Run the collectstatic management command: $ python manage.py collectstatic This will copy all files from your static folders, such as the admin page, into the static directory (example.com/static). Now upload.
  23. Okay, I had this very problem. Basically you have to convert your static files, CSS etc. into a folder called "static" using command line. Ill just find the link to everything which explain more.
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