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Everything posted by mlex

  1. No, I probably won't be able, as registration on Tommy are closed atm.
  2. Hi there, Is there a way to reset(completely. username, email, files etc. - I don't mind if my posts on helionet or any other data will be lost - that's actually would be preferable) my account as one time favor? Ideally I would register a new one on Tommy, I don't mind to wait till late hours and register, but registration on Tommy are closed.
  3. It does now, thanks wolstech
  4. Any updates? I'm almost sure some of them are blacklisted.
  5. Hi folks, I think some of the Cloudflare IPs are blacklisted again. I'd appriciate if you can check it out: https://www.cloudflare.com/ips/ BTW: is there a way to check this by my own somehow?
  6. Yeap, it is. Thanks, Krydos.
  7. Is there any FTP problems currently? I'm getting an error while trying to connect via SSH(as usual): Status: Connecting to tommy.heliohost.org:1342... Response: fzSftp started, protocol_version=8 Command: open "mlex@tommy.heliohost.org" 1342 Command: Pass: ****************** Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity Error: Could not connect to server
  8. Thanks wolstech. But just to make things clear: It's probably was due the blocked IP of CF, not the 15-60 delay.
  9. Hi folks, got two questions: 1) Had a long-long discussion with CF support team about getting 522 error sometimes. At the end, it seems like there some connectivity issues with one of their IPs. From one of their answers: 2) I've installed Wordpress lately with softaculous to avoid chmoding folders/files by myself and it seems like everything is ok, but sometimes I'm experiencing some delays while wordpress is loading: Sometimes it just goes beyond this to extreme numbers with total delay of more than minute. Usually I get(should) this(cached-clear etc, of course): Is this issue related to database in general(overloaded sometimes etc) or/and is it related to several downtimes(tommy) past couple of days(http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/archive/?2017-12-04)?
  10. Is this still not working for you or did you find a fix for it? Curious, as I ran into something similar today. In case it isn't solved, you may want to try changing name of the modified file(if you indeed experience the issue after updating a file - like I did) and see if it helps.
  11. So it is common, thanks for informing me about it - didn't find relevant info on google. I opened a ticked to them, perhaps they have some simple solution for this. But the .htaccess is a really good idea. It's not crucial to me tho, so I could transfer it to the root if needed. As for the domain names, it's not about search indexing, and I kind of sorry for making it more difficult for you, but I have some reasons. I can PM you next time with the links if it may help(it probably won't, I know )
  12. You should set folders for 755 and *.php files to 644 Not sure about public_html tho, but in my case it's 750. So change public_html for 750 and other folders to 755
  13. Hi ctfisep, Try to change PHP File Permission to 644 inside of your ftp client WIKI: http://wiki.helionet.org/File_Permissions
  14. I have one main domain name - a***.*** - and one addon domain name - m***.*** (please don't post publicly my domain names). In the main domain name root folder, I use .php file to redirect to the main directory of my website by using: header("Location: https://a***.***/folder-name/index.php"); The problem is, that when I visit my main domain name(a***.***), I'm getting first the 521 error message and only then the redirection. I'm seeing the 521 error message in browser's history window, with the logged title of the page: a***.*** | 521: Web server is down and then on a new logged line, my https://a***.***/folder-name/index.php file, with the normal title. Can't figure out what may cause this to happen. UPDATE: Apparently Cloudflare uses 521 error, but yet not sure why is this triggered
  15. In case someone will need a solution for this: Assuming example.com is your addon domain name, create or add below to your .htaccess file located at: public_html/example.com/.htaccess RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/example\.com [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ %{REQUEST_URI}/%1\? [L,R=403]Use [L,R=404] to make this more real. It will output your 404 error page as it normally would do if your example.com folder wouldn't exist. For more info: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/mod_rewrite.htm
  16. Thanks, but this is a redirection. I guess there's no way around it to deny access from main domain.
  17. Yeah, I'm aware of it. It's just I don't want to allow users to access my addon domain through subdirectory
  18. I was wondering if there's a way to forbid somehow an access to the addon domain when accessed through the first, main domain(like firstdomain.com/addondomain.com), but allow access through a regular access(addondomain.com)? Or perhaps there is a way to transfer my addon domain to the same level as my main domain, so it won't be a folder inside of my main domain? I tried to google for some .htaccess solution, but without any positive results. There's also another way I thought about, but it's ugly... I thought of using my main domain as dummy domain, and then use addon domains for main and addondomain. But again, it's ugly and more a way of fooling myself instead of a finding true solution.
  19. Got it. Will wait then. Thanks once again buddy!
  20. Thanks alot Wolstech! Did everything and it seems like now it is working and I see CF nameservers of both domains. BUT, when I ping both of my domains, I'm getting the ip( of Heliohost instead of CF... Perhaps there's a need to wait some time(but for what, if nameservers changed)?
  21. I'm using CF's free account. I guess CNAME is available only for paid ones. So I can't use addon domain with CF and Heliohost? I'm with one main domain with CF nameservers and trying to add another one(as addon domain). I did the setup through cPanel for adding a new addon domain and it's working as a folder inside of my main domain(mydomain.com/new-addon-domain.com), but I'm not sure how to setup it so it would work with CF as separated domain.
  22. It's not really user friendly to use CF inside cPanel - kinda small-sized. But the main reason I'm not using it is because of limited functionality - in CF admin panel there's much more you can do. However, I'm yet not sure if I'm doin' this(adding addon domain) right. I paused CF. Changed my nameservers of main domain and new addon domain to Heliohost's. Meanwhile waiting for nameservers to update for my main domain.
  23. Alrighty, found Krydos answer to something similar: Set your domain's nameservers to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.orgPark, or addon your domain through cPanel.Wait 24 hours and make sure your domain is working as expected.Log into cloudflare's website, and type in your domain.Cloudflare will copy all the existing, proven to work settings and instruct you to change your nameservers to something like olga.cloudflare.com and cleetus.cloudflare.com.Log into your domain registrar's website and make the changes.Wait 15 minutes to 48 hours for your DNS changes to go through, and cloudflare will alert you when everything is good to go. Gonna try it out
  24. I'm trying to set a new(but first) addon domain, but seems like something isn't right. Say my main/root/heliohost domain is mydomain.com Now mydomain.com is using cloudflare's dns servers like so: NAME01.NS.CLOUDFLARE.COM and NAME02.NS.CLOUDFLARE.COM I want to set up my new addon domain, say newdomain.com So as far as I got it, I need to confirm somehow(technically) that this indeed my domain, and for that reason I set my nameservers of this new newdomain.com to Heliohost's like so: NS1.HELIOHOST.ORG and NS2.HELIOHOST.ORG But it doesn't work. What do I mean by that is when I go to http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/php/tools/dns_records.php and check newdomain.com for ns records, it some times gives me a target as heliohost servers and some times it's just blank. And obviously the newdomain.com isn't reachable - Server not found message is the output As I was thinking about it, perhaps it's because my root domain(mydomain.com) is set for cloudflare's dns? Should I change the mydomain.com DNS for heliohost till it will recognize it and then change both domains for cloudflare or what should I do in this case, please?
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