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Seekier last won the day on March 3 2021

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About Seekier

  • Birthday June 18

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  1. Yes thanks, I didn't check before post.
  2. Thanks, link seen and account created. Please I donated twice to be moved to Tommy and for double storage before i was later moved back to Johnny because Tommy was over crowded after Cpanel and Plesk transition. If it is of no hassle, please can I still have my double storage back? Thanks for your good job @ all the admins of heliohost
  3. This post is from the account I registered with, just that @wolstech or @Krydos help changed my forum username sometimes back. If you'd gone through my account history you will have known. As for sending the request through mail, doing it right away.
  4. Please reset my account as I have decided to start a fresh Username: maijo
  5. Option 1, Change it first to heliohost name server, leave it for sometime to pick and start working with heliohost name server then you can change it back to cloudflare name server after it must have started working with heliohost name server. Option 2, edit and add heliohost IP address DNS records of your cloudflare account. I am not good at option 2, I always uses option 1.
  6. Please add this domain ''tipvibe.eu.org'' as an add-on domain to my account. Username is maijo Thanks for the good job
  7. You already created a post ACCOUNT SUSPENDED: aelreje
  8. Or you can just go to Softaculous community forum and remind them Drupal has a new update available which is not yet implemented in Softaculous. Trust me they will do something about it but might take days or weeks.
  9. Seekier

    Node 23 Support

    Wow, VPS is definitely the solution.
  10. Seekier

    Node 23 Support

    I am sorry I bumped this thread, I thought it was a new thread. I already submitted my post before I saw the date, 11th January 2024 that's way too far. Again my apologies but I still need answer please
  11. Seekier

    Node 23 Support

    @Krydos does it mean Ghost CMS can now work perfectly on the three servers listed?
  12. Lolz..., Admins should answer Yes every links to that site won't work until it is unsuspended
  13. Thanks for doing this
  14. My sincere apologies, I thought I was only providing entertainment for fun for my friends, didn't know I had copyright materials on my website. I have been very careful about things like that. To be fair I didn't receive any emails complain from the copyright owner asking me to take down their copyright materials. If I had I would have removed the content myself as I have been doing it where I hosted the website before I transferred the website to heliohost. My humble apologies to the copyright owners and to heliohost company. I appreciate how you handled the situation by taking down the website and also explain the reason behind it. I plead with heliohost company to wipe the domain https://fzmedia.eu.org and it content as I have no desire to provide such services anymore and please unsuspend my account and if it is not possible, I respect your decision. Thanks.
  15. Please unsuspend my account Username: maijo Domain: fzmedia.eu.org Thanks
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