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Chief Financial Officer
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Everything posted by Ashoat

  1. Oh wow, that's a lot. I guess some bad [bleeped!] probably happened. Is it working fine now? Load is pretty reasonable at this moment.
  2. robertut: Please wait until "Server Load" under "Service Status" in your cPanel is below 4, and then try adding the domain again once. You will have to wait 24 hours after adding your domain for it to become active.
  3. What's the URL to your PHP file?
  4. Your ASP.NET file is getting a runtime error. Follow the directions you get on your screen to enable error reporting so you can debug it. For the CGI file: what's your HelioHost username? You probably just have permissions wrong on some directory or file. Have you checked .htaccess in that directory, as well as the directory itself?
  5. I'd upgrade, but I'm staying at whatever version CentOS needs as the package manager yum and other important system utilities depend on Pyton. I tried installing pysqlite2, both from binaries and from source. I get errors whenever I require it in Python, though. Could you go ahead and try and see if you get the same errors?
  6. Just make sure to confirm that he is who he claims to be. Send an email to his listed email address in the database, or get him to change part of the website to prove it or something.
  7. I am not having any success with methods described here and here, or anything else I've found on Google. Can you point me to an installation document for sqlite3 for Python 2.4?
  8. Glad it worked out
  9. Is it working now?
  10. Yeah, the search sucks. And no, we don't have default error pages, and we don't plan on having them. We're offering you a raw, configurable hosting environment.
  11. I haven't done anything. Perhaps the issue is related to server load?
  12. What's your HelioHost username?
  13. Okay, the issue has been fixed now. Root cause is kind of complicated and has to do with how the Mono project preserves state.
  14. Glad it worked out
  15. I'm reopening this thread because cPanel's fix actually broke a lot of stuff. I reverted their changes, but this problem is now occurring again. I am still on the line with the cPanel folks.
  16. Glad it's working
  17. Okay, try registering again now.
  18. How's it look now?
  19. Okay, you should be good now.
  20. No problem
  21. The code won't be available. I don't think this move is permanent.
  22. You're welcome
  23. xxx: Please wait until "Server Load" under "Service Status" in your cPanel is below 4, and then try adding the domain again once. You will have to wait 24 hours after adding your domain for it to become active.
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