There are no set amounts that exceeding will result in a suspension. Technically the memory usage and the cpu usage can be unlimited. The way it works is we monitor the overall server performance, and if the server as a whole starts to get overloaded the system suspends the highest resource usage account to restore the server performance. Obviously the server performance on a production server like Tommy is kept at a much higher level than on an experimental server like Johnny where performance doesn't matter as much as just letting as many people as possible have an account. You can monitor your cpu and memory usage with the button in cpanel labeled "Account Load". If you get to 100 and the server load is too high you have a high chance of being suspended. If you must have numbers, that are more or less meaningless, on Tommy yesterday the highest memory usage account used 1445 GB and wasn't suspended, and the highest cpu usage used 18.9 cpu hours and wasn't suspended.