We are unable to change email addresses for users because if we did then anyone who wanted to gain control of any account on our servers could just make a request to change the email address on an account and the true owner would be locked out. If you want to change your contact address you can use this link http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082/frontend/x3/contact/index.html If you are unable to log into your account, and the automated password reset isn't working we can provide a manual password reset. Let us know if you need the manual password reset.
You were suspended for running 5 cron jobs in a day, the limit is 2 per day. If you want to play with them that's fine, but I suggest running them through a free service such as setcronjob.com to avoid getting suspended. Your account has now been unsuspended, if you still see the account suspended page please try clearing your cache.