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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/18/2011 in all areas

  1. It means that your site isn't hosted on an IP that is shared with other sites. The most common reason to request a dedicated IP is for SSL functionality. Httpd is already listening on port 80 so no other process can listen on that port, but if your software is php or jsp or asp or any of the other languages we support then yes it would be listening for connections on port 80. I don't know exactly what you're needing so it's hard to say. All of our IP addresses, dedicated or shared, are publically accessible unless your clients are in China and then some of the addresses are blocked by their government and some are not blocked, but that is hardly our fault. I've never seen anyone's request to have extra ports opened on the server ever get approved by our root admin, but it doesn't hurt to ask I suppose. However, we install software all the time on the servers at the request of users, but it has to be something that would be useful to a large number of users.
    1 point
  2. Because Cody (HelioHost/HelioNet) and Johnny (site hosting), are both on the same physical server, Johnny sometimes hogs all the hard disk IO. We are aware of this problem, and are working to fix it. That said, Cody's uptime has gotten a lot better over the past few weeks.
    1 point
  3. Apache is restarted "gracefully," which means you won't be able to even tell when the restart happens.
    1 point
  4. Post count is not an explicit requirement. You can become an moderator or administrator whenever. It just so happens that the people who have stuck around for a long time have been appointed moderators or administrators. This isn't a glamorous job, so the best way to find out if you'd like it is to start answering questions/support posts with meaningful information (which you can learn by poking around HelioHost/Net), just like what I'm doing now. That's also the best way to become a candidate for the next mod/admin position. However, while it's true that more hands make less work, a bloated staff is worse than a slower response time. So there's no guarantee that you will get promoted, even if you show due dedication and expertise, since there's no guarantee that we'll have the need for another person on staff.
    1 point
  5. Nice work, it looks neat and well organized! If I understand correctly, you are a photographer, correct? After looking through the home page, that was slightly unclear. Perhaps adding a slideshow of your work where the large image at the top might help to make this fact a bit more clear. Once again, awesome job!
    1 point
  6. Yeah, we have a DNS sync cron scheduled to run around 8:00 UTC so it looks like it fixed itself. Yeah, that is kind of annoying. I blame "special" kids who think iTs fUnNy tO WrItE LikE tHiS, and the grumpy old geezers who take 30 mins to type 30 characters LIKE THIS BECAUSE THEY TYPE WITH TWO INDEX FINGERS AND CAN'T BE BOTHERED WITH THE SHIFT KEY.
    1 point
  7. Thanks for the reply. I appreciate knowing that Helionhost wont disappear anytime soon!
    1 point
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