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  1. Today
  2. Greetings team my user is elimeletca, and I would like to add the domain 'lealtechnology.helioho.st'.
  3. Last month we made some changes to our MariaDB connection limits after multiple users abused our generous unlimited connections settings and caused hours of downtime for all of the other users on the server. Since then we've received quite a few complaints from people who are now being forced to write good code when their software tries to open dozens if not hundreds of connections. You need to keep in mind that if you're on Johnny or Tommy you're sharing the server resources with thousands of other users, and it isn't fair for you to hog all the resources. If you want to open unlimited connections we offer VPS plans starting at only $4 per month where you will have the whole server to yourself. If you are getting errors regarding the connection limit, and don't want to get a VPS, please let us know and we can help you rewrite your bad code. We wanted to point out that even though the noisy minority may not like the changes, the server is now much more stable for the silent majority. Prior to the limits MariaDB would crash 4-5 times per day on both Johnny and Tommy and it would take 2-5 minutes for the database to come back online each time. Now MariaDB on both Johnny and Tommy is able to run for weeks without a restart which increases the uptime and stability for the server as a whole.
  4. DKIM has been fixed on your account. dkim._domainkey.papale.my.id. IN TXT "v=DKIM1; p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA2vQ3mE3FUzsehqf1fnY2jlnZAEm/jwwkM9XuTaro0K1EF+t4KSKAwy3HZFLNnew+fIo1ICMkYo4Wt0bYVk2ceuNk5Uz5nbe1gUwAbUCbQLP25Uc0zhahvGtIjfDxN8hAO7iNrm63D4xHKPwLq4X99bAoVqukKb4O2rUs4KKZQVVlrIhcOZc1JycdFuPVL4iU1MSPPTQhT+QZu8c6KCLbmYHEqxBVEXHpJ3OG7fxmNQudr9m+Xc8L3VOhKDM49Nb0Or8wuxYbpO4bnb9CyQfH3mmvIdzjkxwKdw7Zr0L/GR/F8rS9Iv80+z3n1lGfedrYPtzL3EGskVWiOi862+Hq8wIDAQAB;" _domainkey.papale.my.id. IN TXT "o=-" The execution time has been increased, but like Wolstech said it increases your chance of being suspended for high load so keep an eye on that at https://heliohost.org/dashobard/load/ For future reference, I work on escalated tickets from oldest response to newest response so when you bump your thread like this it moves it to the bottom of my todo list. If you want to make sure you get helped as slowly as possible please continue bumping it like this.
  5. What is the PostgreSQL username, and database you want remote access to?
  6. Remote access enabled. host= port=5432 username=alevka_envbUser dbname=alevka_envirobaby password=<set in Plesk>
  7. thank you very much it really means a lot to me
  8. Good Day, I want to add a new domain to my account username jnreyy24 and my domain is polinar.cloud i got it from hostinger and my authorization code incase you need it Thank you very much
  9. Thanks, it works now, the die() statement was temporary debug so I will remove it.
  10. Yesterday
  11. Kind of. We didn't have as many users on the servers (especially Tommy) at the time, and I believe we also had a user recently who asked for some astronomical number of domains. Since every domain added slows the server down, it's not fair for a few users with a ton of domains to impact everyone else, so we added a limit. The same performance impact associated with domains is also why domains that are added but not actually hosted here now disable themselves after a while. Disabled domains have no performance impact.
  12. Wasn't it still a problem when you were running CPanel though?
  13. They're limited primarily because every domain added to a server decreases the performance of apache and makes it take longer to restart.
  14. Just for future reference, I work on support requests by oldest response to newest response. So if you bump your thread it moves it to the bottom of my todo list.
  15. I recalculated the usage and reactivated your account. Can you login now? Here is your current disk usage Backups 0 MB Emails .02 MB Files 350.17 MB Trash 0 MB Logs 1.33 MB PSQL 0 MB MySQL 31.49 MB Total 383.01 MB If you need more than 1000 MB you can upgrade your Tommy account up to 6000 MB for a one-time donation of $5 per 1000 MB. If you need more than 6000 MB you can get a VPS which start at 50 GB storage for $4 per month, up to 300 GB storage.
  16. I guess I'll copy/paste the same answer that websys didn't read twice already on Discord here too.
  17. Remote access enabled. host= port=5432 username=itechpros_sb dbname=itechpros_accuzip password=<set in Plesk>
  18. Good idea! I saw on the website that Plesk has an unlimited domains plan. Is there a reason why you are limiting them?
  19. It's because your username has more than 8 characters and the ps command was truncating it to softspi+ I edited your bot_control script for you to handle longer usernames, and I'll add the changes to the wiki as well. Thanks for letting us know.
  20. do Krydos see this topic when his name is tagged? should i try to send message personally?
  21. I tested the domain disabling system with your three subdomains, and the way everything is configured right now they won't get disabled again.
  22. <Placeholder> <Name> $SERVER$ </Name> <Content> /home/site/dbs </Content> </Placeholder> This path is wrong. Looking at where the file is currently, the path should be /home/srboylan.com/dna-tree.srboylan.com/dbs I edited the path in includes.php and it looks like its trying to work now. I can't test further because I can't log into it. I also commented out an invalid die() statement from the top of router.php that was responsible for the "unexpected variable $router_debug" message (the error was due to a missing semicolon).
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