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  1. Past hour
  2. Thanks a lot. Strange, I did not do any changes yesterday. But I noticed a job did not run through, a phyton script. Is it possible if this happens several times, it remains stuck and keeps consuming memory?
  3. Today
  4. The maximum CPU limit is 10000. You were suspended for using too much memory, just like two weeks ago. Here's a picture of your load graph for reference: I have unsuspended your account, please lower your memory usage. If you need help diagnosing the issue, our administrators are happy to look into it for you.
  5. Hi, my account goensch was suspended for high load. Please reactivate. On Tommy. Thanks. What is strange: I had this 2 weeks ago. Back then, I new the reason, solved it. Then I checked in dashboard for a few days and was at 4000 CPU . Since then, I changed nothing. So, I guess Tommy got slower? Anyways, I will try to further optimize. Jochen
  6. Yesterday
  7. how can change the PHP Composer folder when click on change Go to the application folder[change] nothing done the old folder contains the .json file I deleted it to set another folder and file
  8. Email service has been enabled again. Since you're using Cloudflare you'll need to set SPF, DKIM, and DMARC up yourself now.
  9. You would need to donate to increase your storage. It's $5 per 1000mb to a max of 6000mb. If you need more than 6000mb then you would need to get a VPS. With a VPS you can have a max of 300gb.
  10. Yes, i tried specific ip to access or vise versa and i think it Didn't work. The deny from all will work though
  11. Hello! I would like to increase my Helio host storage by 1000MB. What do I have to do? My username is "rmersive". Thank you so much!
  12. Looks like it's already been unsuspended. You do appear to be out of disk space though, so even though it's unsuspended, you won't be able to access a lot of the functionality until an admin deletes files for you. Is there anything specific you would like us to remove?
  13. Because before this, after adding subdomain mails.zhirofund.com, all the email no longer works, then I try to disable and renable again to try out
  14. Why did you disable your mail service?
  15. The disk space usage is only calculated once per day usually.
  16. Your account is suspended for using 10202 CPU in 2 hours when the limit is 10000 in 24 hours. I doubt installing a Python module with "crypto" in the title is going to reduce your CPU usage. If you want to explain what you're going to do to reduce your CPU usage and request an unsuspension you may do so with this link https://helionet.org/index/forum/81-suspended-and-queued-accounts/?do=add
  17. not able to create new email after disabled and enabled the Heliohost mail service.
  18. Last week
  19. There is no ETA yet on those features.
  20. Hi there, I got access back again - thanks But I got one more simple (noob) question - How can I tell exactly how filled is my 1GB? I'm asking that because in Plesk there is still 467,5MB and it doesn't change even though I uploaded a few small themes (10-20MB appox.) Thanks again, mothzee
  21. Have you tried putting deny from all or deny from (ip address)
  22. hi i accidently chose my domain as saulencijus10.helioho.st can i have brainit.helioho.st?
  23. I would like to ask if it is possible to put in the .htaccess a configuration for allowing or denying a specific address/all for viewing the website.Because I think I tried but I guess it didn't work.
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