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  1. Today
  2. Domain changed. It can take up to 2 hours to work.
  3. Processes killed. Escalating to Krydos to see if he can figure out why the script doesn't stop these as it should.
  4. Hello, I would like the change main domain, i already setup the name servers that points to heliohost username: fm domain: status.paes.io
  5. Yes. The storage quota includes everything in your account, whether it be files, email, databases, or otherwise.
  6. Please shut down scripts on softspider.heliohost.us; going to https://softspider.heliohost.us/bot_control/index.sh?action=stop like a mod told me to doesn't seem to do anything but write some text.
  7. Yay! It worked, thank you very much! 🥳 Problem solved :) Can I ask last question in this topic? Is email storage connected somehow with maximum website storage?
  8. Domain changed. Please make sure you create A and AAAA records for the subdomain that are pointed to the IPs shown in plesk. The domain can take up to 2 hours to work.
  9. I want to have directory browsing for cleosai.site domain. Although still not able to access the link because the dns was setup just earlier so i have to wait
  10. To make the domain work, you need to set the name servers for it to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org. The name servers have to be configured at your domain registrar, so you'll need to ask them how to do it. If you don't own this domain, you can't use it. Our system does not allow users to edit their own DNS records for their domains. If you need this functionality, you need to use external DNS such as Cloudflare instead of our DNS. For directory listings, you can try adding Options +Indexes to your .htaccess file. I know this doesn't always work though (especially on older accounts)...not sure if there's another way to do it on your end (there's a way to do it using the Apache directives properties, but you won't have those options). Which domain needs the directory listings enabled?
  11. I can't turn it on either...I get this as an admin. Krydos will need to fix it.
  12. Edit: I've found the code on the wayback machine but it seems to need libraries that are no longer importable Edit 2: The code should now be killable from within so just killing the 2 running processes should be fine, that being said going to softspider.heliohost.us/bot_control/index.sh?action=stop still does nothing; suggestion: please add an emergency kill all button Going to index.sh?action=stop seems to do nothing other than write "Stopping new.py.". Is there an archive of the previous version of this(https://wiki.helionet.org/tutorials/discord-bot) guide written in python so I can understand what the stop script is even doing + possibly fix it?
  13. btw, how do i enable directory browsing on plesk? im still in development so i have to
  14. how do i set DNS?
  15. Domain added. It can take up to 2 hours to work. You don't seem to have the DNS set correctly though (or your registrar didn't publish the changes) as I get an NXDOMAIN error when I try to resolve it and nobody around the world seems to have records for it. https://www.whatsmydns.net/#NS/cleosai.site Once the DNS is fixed and it starts working, you can generate an SSL certificate for it from Plesk.
  16. Check the box to enable it, then save the settings. After that go back and click on the "How to configure external DNS" and it'll show you the values. Are you saying it won't let you turn that option on yourself?
  17. Please try using the reset button to reset your password, or click here: https://heliohost.org/reset/
  18. That account cannot be unsuspended because you already asked for the other one back. https://helionet.org/index/topic/60272-solved-request-to-unsuspend-account-for-server-johnny/ Users are only allowed to have ONE account.
  19. Hello, I would like the add a domain, i already setup the name servers that points to heliohost username: websys domain: cleosai.site I would like to ask if it is possible to install it a SSL certificate, Thankiesss
  20. Added. It can take up to 2 hours for them to start working.
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