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  1. Today
  2. Hi team, requesting to enable 2 subdomains for my account .. User Name : tradewithmadhan Regards and thanks, Madhan kumar
  3. Deleted. Do you want the forum account deleted as well?
  4. I want to delete my account asap
  5. This support request is being escalated to our root admins.
  6. Hello, I need to change the php_value max_input_vars The configuration that I need is the following: php_value max_input_vars 5000 I can't find the PHP editor for change it. Thanks for your help.
  7. Yesterday
  8. The problem was that android apps with really old API versions are not supported by Let's Encrypt. I installed an app to a new android device and the app ran fine. The fault was mine and the problem is solved.
  9. Sorry for bothering you :). Thanks for responding
  10. Unsuspended again (it was for memory usage). Please take a look at the logs when you get a moment. It may take a few minutes to work.
  11. When I looked in occasionally, I didn't see an increased load. But anyway it seems to have happened again, because the site has unfortunately been blocked again. I have no access to Plesk and therefore the logs. 😕
  12. I don’t understand why i have been banned?
  13. Looks like Krydos already unsuspended this. If you're seeing a suspended page, please clear cache.
  14. My account mensajesparapruebas@gmail.com has still been suspended and I don't know why. Could you tell me the reason so I can solve the problem and enable it again? Thank you
  15. Last week
  16. This support request is being escalated to our root admins.
  17. Hi i am requesting wgi control for User name : csargin csargin.helioho.st
  18. Accounts that are suspended get deleted within 60 days if they are not unsuspend before then.
  19. You were previously suspended for having more than one account. Because the suspension went unsolved, the account was deleted.
  20. At 18.01.2024 i got a mail about my account being inactive. I failed to activate my account in the next 30 days. When i tried to login i got "No account found with that email." error. Today i re registered with same user name / mail but my files didnt exist. (my community account still exist with same username) Is it possibble to recover the files?
  21. Hello, My username is codecrafters. I would like to add a domain: paligen.helioho.st Thank you.
  22. The free helioho.st and heliohost.us subdomains must use our name servers. We do not support external DNS of any kind on the free subdomains for security reasons, nor do we allow users to host the content of such a domain on a different provider. If you want to use external DNS, you can get a free domain from a place like eu.org, set up the external DNS on that domain, point it to our IPs, and ask us to add the domain to your account
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