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  2. Closing as duplicate since this is being handled in the escalated forum.
  3. So you want to merge the files and domains from cisc into websys, then keep websys. Is this correct?
  4. You're suspended for having more then one account. Users are only allowed to have one account. Which one do you want to keep?
  5. I'll escalate this thread so an administrator can comment.
  6. Hello, this is the other account that also been suspended because as what have you said it is being detected, although we are actually two persons managing each others account. But for assurance, since this is really our first time. We have decided to make it one therefore, we would like to keep this account "websys". Meanwhile, we would like to request to transfer our domains from the other account "cisc", including the Main domain to be added here in the "websys" account. I think its exactly now a total of ten. We wouldn't add more. Also, are the files from the other account will be deleted when transfering them to here? Thank you
  7. Today
  8. You were suspended for having multiple accounts, which is against our terms of service. Which account do you wish to keep?
  9. Yesterday
  10. My account got suspended, I want to unsuspend
  11. Hello, my account got suspended, please unsuspend🥹 Username: cisc @wolstech
  12. There isn't really anything on our end that would cause this, so odds are its defective code doing something like using DELETE without a WHERE statement...
  13. Hello everyone! I am now rejoining HelioHost for a school project. I have been previously on Tommy before and donated $7 to you guys using PayPal. I have the confirmation number for one of these: 2J982451H2372542J (Tommy) The other one was on GoFundMe https://www.gofundme.com/donations/tv11j0tcvDXnKrNASQbM0KSWBHYYYqz6pwqJXvUFMQc%3D for Sparkie's server. Can you please resend the activation link for Tommy to my NEW email address cgeek01@outlook.com ? Thanks BRYCE M screencapture-gofundme-donations-tv11j0tcvDXnKrNASQbM0KSWBHYYYqz6pwqJXvUFMQc-2024-05-22-13_07_18.pdf
  14. It will be labeled as external email address.
  15. You can do this by logging into plesk and clicking the edit profile link on your username.
  16. i want to change my login email address in my hosting Account (Johnny server) How Can i do this? Thank You!
  17. Hello Can you guys add "banktemplate.com" as another domain on my hosting? Thanks
  18. Yep, it looks like Hestia is already installed on your VPS. Let us know if you need help with anything else.
  19. Hi, I've noticed that at some point, why does the data inside the database table getting deleted even though i did nothing? It seems like there's an issue here but i don't know why it happens.
  20. Last week
  21. Thank you very much. Aside from webmail, SSL is now working for my domain. Hopefully the wildcard option will be available soon.
  22. I think I already did, but id krydos will check if everything is correct, that'll be awesome. Thanks
  23. I read before buying the VPS that somehow you could choose OS and CP but I don't find that option. Would you install hestia? this is the username: cr1sk4
  24. As above, wildcard certs are not supported. Uncheck that option and try again.
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