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  1. Yesterday
  2. This support request is being escalated to our root admins.
  3. Last week
  4. Domains added. They can take up to 2 hours to start working. Display name has been changed as well.
  5. If you're asking for this because your domain wasn't working, it's working now. Do you still want this reset?
  6. My suggestion to start improving performance would be to remove some of these plugins, especially the page insights one. Because WP causes so much load with each page view, you actually will be best off minimizing the number of bots crawling your site and the number of things that have to run on each page load. aioseo-image-seo aioseo-index-now aioseo-link-assistant aioseo-redirects all-in-one-seo-pack-pro monsterinsights-page-insights
  7. You already received a response from wolstech about this issue here: https://helionet.org/index/topic/61001-unsuspend-my-account/
  8. It looks like it's already unsuspended. Please remove WP quickly. It's the number one cause of load suspensions, especially when extensions are installed. Your site is already causing load spikes again as seen on the far right of your load chart.
  9. You're suspended for having more than one account. Which one would you like to keep?
  10. Domain added. Please make sure you configure DNS so the domain will work.
  11. Your Plesk account has been deleted. Thank you for trying HelioHost. For what it's worth, users are successfully running thousands of different pieces of software here, however our service does sometimes struggle with applications such as Wordpress and Moodle that have demanding resource requirements because of the limits we impose to ensure fair access for all users. Many users have gotten WP to work (and stock WP actually runs fine on its own), though more advanced websites do require planning, use of tools like Cloudflare, and the avoidance of larger extensions such as the ones I mentioned above to get a functional site that doesn't result in errors or load suspensions. Wordpress does work properly on our VPS plan if you're interested for $4/month, and we can install a control panel like Hestia at no cost to eliminate the need for command line management if you wish. We also plan to offer a paid shared hosting option called Morty that should better handle these applications too, though there is currently no ETA on when that offering will be released.
  12. Morty isn't available yet. A news post will be made when registration are available.
  13. Yeah, that site is causing some nice spikes, which as above is completely unsurprising for Wordpress. Please fix it or remove Wordpress. Unsuspended. It can take a few minutes to work.
  14. Did it work prior to enabling WSGI control?
  15. Hello, I donate and register to Johhny hosting package by invitation link from my email. I succesfully registered but i cant login. Solved: i logged in by reset password.
  16. It works for me too. Try clearing your browser cache.
  17. The domain it-rost.heliohost.us has been added. It can take up to 2 hours to work. Note that this was added as .us assuming the TLD was a typo in your original post. We do not own heliohost.su and so cannot offer domains under that country TLD.
  18. Resent. Note that these usually end up in the spam folder on most providers. If it still doesn't arrive, please provide another email address and we can send it there instead.
  19. I tried to follow django tutorial but getting error "AH00124: Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects due to probable configuration error. Use 'LimitInternalRecursion' to increase the limit if necessary. Use 'LogLevel debug' to get a backtrace., referer: https://johnny.heliohost.org:8443/" Can you help pls. Username : csargin
  20. Wordpress does not like having its domain changed. Did you make sure the site name in the settings table matches the domain you're using?
  21. Remote access enabled. host= port=5432 username=vandreguardieiro_usuario dbname=vandreguardieiro_bdespeleo password=<set in Plesk>
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