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First off all sorry for posting in this category. I could not find the domain change post, and the script hasn't worked for me in a week. I tried the domain change on the heliohost.org , but it's not changing.


I would like for handmadebyerika.com to be changed to theemonkey.com my account is khallows. Thanks alot :)

First off all sorry for posting in this category. I could not find the domain change post, and the script hasn't worked for me in a week. I tried the domain change on the heliohost.org , but it's not changing.


I would like for handmadebyerika.com to be changed to theemonkey.com my account is khallows. Thanks alot :)


I know it doesn't really solve your problems of not being able to use the scripts to change your main domain, but you could use a parked domain to send anyone who tries to open theemonkey.com to your webpage in the root directory and anyone who accesses handmadebyerika.com (as long as you keep the nameservers pointed to heliohost and keep paying your registrar) would send them to the same page. You can read more about parked domains at http://wiki.helionet.org/wiki/Parked,_Add...#Parked_Domains


If the issue is handmadebyerika.com is going away and you need a new main domain the above wouldn't solve your problem. :blink:


@admins Btw, the page http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts lists Domain Change as one of the options but it links to http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/status which just checks new accounts to see if they are done being created, doesn't it?


@khallows Is this the script you have been trying? http://heliohost.org/scripts/domain.php If not it might be worth it to try it one more time.

First off all sorry for posting in this category. I could not find the domain change post, and the script hasn't worked for me in a week. I tried the domain change on the heliohost.org , but it's not changing.


I would like for handmadebyerika.com to be changed to theemonkey.com my account is khallows. Thanks alot :)


I know it doesn't really solve your problems of not being able to use the scripts to change your main domain, but you could use a parked domain to send anyone who tries to open theemonkey.com to your webpage in the root directory and anyone who accesses handmadebyerika.com (as long as you keep the nameservers pointed to heliohost and keep paying your registrar) would send them to the same page. You can read more about parked domains at http://wiki.helionet.org/wiki/Parked,_Add...#Parked_Domains


If the issue is handmadebyerika.com is going away and you need a new main domain the above wouldn't solve your problem. :blink:


@admins Btw, the page http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts lists Domain Change as one of the options but it links to http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/status which just checks new accounts to see if they are done being created, doesn't it?


@khallows Is this the script you have been trying? http://heliohost.org/scripts/domain.php If not it might be worth it to try it one more time.



Thanks for the quick reply.


I used the domain change a couple of times during the past week. I know HelioHost can take a while to change main domain's, but it hasn't been working. http://theemonkey.com/ takes me to my HelioHost root. I can see the directory, etc. When I login to cPanel it says my main domain is "handmadebyerika.com" and when I try installing wordpress using Softaculus I can only choose to install it to "Handmadebyerika.com" in the drop down select box. :( When I install it there I can only see the site through handmadebyerika.com , theemonkey.com continues to show a directory?


It's really confusing, hopefully an admin can change my main domain. If not my last resort will be manually uploading WP to the root, and seeing if it works through theemonkey.com :P



@khallows: Your domain is already changed in our database so the script worked.


@Krydos: Thanks for noticing that. I can't change it, so hopefully an admin will see it. Anyway, the menu link (Support -> Scripts -> Domain) works, so the Scripts page link itself is wrong. Also, http://heliohost.org/scripts/domain.php (and the others) are the same as http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/domain (and the others). The Joomla! pages contain an iframe of the ones in the scripts directory.

@khallows: Your domain is already changed in our database so the script worked.


@Krydos: Thanks for noticing that. I can't change it, so hopefully an admin will see it. Anyway, the menu link (Support -> Scripts -> Domain) works, so the Scripts page link itself is wrong. Also, http://heliohost.org/scripts/domain.php (and the others) are the same as http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/domain (and the others). The Joomla! pages contain an iframe of the ones in the scripts directory.



Yes it works going into the root. But not for cPanel.



Main Domain handmadebyerika.com

Home Directory /home1/khallows

Last login from

Disk Space Usage 58.21 / 250 MB

Monthly Bandwidth Transfer 0 / ∞ MB

Email Accounts 0 / ∞

Subdomains 0 / ∞

Parked Domains 0 / ∞

Addon Domains 0 / ∞

FTP Accounts 2 / ∞

SQL Databases 2 / ∞

Mailing Lists 0 / ∞

Hosting package HelioHost

Server Name stevie

cPanel Version 11.28.83

Theme x3

Apache version 2.2.16

PHP version 5.3.3

MySQL version 5.0.91-community

Architecture x86_64

Operating system linux

Shared IP Address

Path to sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail

Path to Perl /usr/bin/perl

Perl version 5.8.8

Kernel version 2.6.18-194.26.1.el5

cPanel Pro 1.0 (RC1)

Service Status Click to View



Is it possible for an admin to manually change it like before the script came out? Because the main domain used to change as well, and I wouldn't have any probs. with softaculus. :(

It seems the problem is that another user is using the domain theemonkey.com as his/her main domain.



Another user? Is it by any chance "Amcrest" ?

Yes it is.


That's my other account. But yeah... It's getting awkward. I have two accounts. Long story :(


Thanks alot though. My own stupidity caused this problem :P


You really are not supposed to have two accounts... If you need more domains, you can add them as addon domains. Anyway, if you change the main domain for your Amcrest account, it should make it available for your khallows account.

You really are not supposed to have two accounts... If you need more domains, you can add them as addon domains. Anyway, if you change the main domain for your Amcrest account, it should make it available for your khallows account.



Yeah sorry about that. I will delete my Amcrest account right now using the delete script. Then if the Khallows domain doesn't work I'll bother you guys again.


Thanks for the help, and welcome to the forum. Haven't seen you around before but you sure are damn helpful!






It's going to take a couple of weeks for Amcrest to be deleted. Darn it! I guess this is what I get for breaking rules <:<(


I've been around for a while, but not very active until recently. As you can see, I've been promoted to moderator. And thanks ;)

I've been around for a while, but not very active until recently.

Member No.: 5,971

I'd say.

As you can see, I've been promoted to moderator.

Congratulations on your promotion! :lol:

That's my other account. But yeah... It's getting awkward. I have two accounts. Long story :(


Thanks alot though. My own stupidity caused this problem :P

Heh. :unsure: At least you got your problem solved. It's always amusing when these things take such a random and circuitous route towards being solved.


@cl58tools - Look in Twitter thread in Mod CP for username and password for the Joomla. And if I haven't already mentioned, congrats on your promotion!! :D


@khallows - I can't find Amcrest in the database. Geoff is reading this topic too, perhaps he manually deleted it for you :)

@cl58tools - Look in Twitter thread in Mod CP for username and password for the Joomla. And if I haven't already mentioned, congrats on your promotion!! :D


@khallows - I can't find Amcrest in the database. Geoff is reading this topic too, perhaps he manually deleted it for you :)


Amcrest was added to the deletion queue, so that's why it's probably not in the database?. If you guys are nice enough to remove that account, it would be great! Thanks.


And I agree about

It's always amusing when these things take such a random and circuitous route towards being solved.

there's always a new twist :D

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