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That domain is your main domain, so we'd need to know what domain you want as your new main domain to make the change. You can either choose an entirely new main domain or one of your existing ones. Please let us know what you want as your new main domain and we can get that done for you. You can read more about what happens when main domains are changed here: https://wiki.helionet.org/Changing_Your_Main_Domain

If you choose one of your existing domains to be your new main domain, we'd need to remove it as an addon domain (which will delete its Plesk folder and all the files inside it), and then you would need to recreate the site once it becomes your new main domain. Because there's the risk of data loss, we recommend you make an account backup before we make the above changes for you. If you're not sure how to backup your account, please follow the steps here: https://wiki.helionet.org/Account_Backups 

Edited by KazVee
Added Wiki link for Changing Main Domain

Oh, sorry I thought you wanted the domain gone completely, not just the files for the domain. To wipe a domain folder back to the default fresh settings, we'd need to do an account reset. However the reset would be applied to your entire account, including your other addon domains, which would be removed during the reset, and we'd need to re-add them for you once you recreate your account. It's no problem for us to do this for you, but I just want to make sure you understand what's involved with a reset before we get that started for you. 


I've reset your account as requested. You should receive an email shortly so you can take the next steps to recreate it. 
I made a backup before the reset, so if you have any issue with the backup you made yourself, you can download the backup I made here: https://heliohost.org/backup 
If you're not sure how to extract the backup files, we have some steps to follow on the Account Backups Wiki page I posted earlier.

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