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[Solved] Your account has been suspended.


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Your account was suspended for High Server Usage: 101.16 GB memory. 

You seem to be using WordPress, which is a top reason for users to get their account suspended because WP uses a lot of server resources. My first recommendation would be to use anything else but WordPress, but if this is not an option for you, please review our WordPress guidance here to reduce your account load: https://wiki.helionet.org/misc/wordpress

You can keep an eye on your account load here https://heliohost.org/dashboard/load/ and if you become concerned about your account server usage load getting too high, just add a "deny from all" to the bottom of your .htaccess file to take the site offline. Once that's been done, the site should stop generating load practically instantly.

I have unsuspended your account. Please fix the issue quickly since if no changes are made, your account is likely to get suspended again. If you cannot make changes to your WP configuration, another option would be to look at our VPS plans: https://heliohost.org/vps/ 


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I don't think anyone can guess if this approach would be okay or not, because it depends on your WP plugins/config/load caused by your account, but you can try it if you prefer. Just keep an eye on your account load with the link I've sent and if the load climbs too high, use an .htaccess "deny from all" before it gets so high that it causes another account suspension.

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