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[Solved] help moving to VPS


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We generally don't move people's files to the VPS for them, but I can do it if you really can't figure it out. Do you want a control panel on your VPS or are you planning on just using SSH to install everything?

3 hours ago, mm1 said:

Is login the same as my mm1.helioho.st ?

No, your VPS and your Tommy account are 2 separate accounts. It looks like you picked the username marcomessina for your VPS so if you login with the username mm1 you'll get your Tommy account, and if you login with the username marcomessina you'll get your VPS. If you login with your email address it is ambiguous because both accounts have the same email address, so the login will just send you to your Tommy account I believe. 

2 hours ago, mm1 said:

I tried Support chat by discord but I only get invalid invite

Which link did you click? I just tested both of these links and they both work for me image.thumb.png.cb78f527e1d104700669ebd776083424.png

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I wanted to mention that there is currently no automated way to move your files from Tommy to a VPS, so if I help you with this I'm just going to be copying your files over exactly the same way you can do yourself already. We have had a few people upgrade from Tommy to a VPS though so it would be pretty cool to have a way to do that automatically.

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In reality  I had no desire to go to VPS.  My site has a trivial amount of traffic because it is just an archive of web pages I created over the last 40 years (I am 73). I just want to keep them for my grandkids to see how computing evolved (I started in 1972) and maybe they get inspired to look at IT as a career. Also I have a site with many videos I created in the early 2000's that family and friends may want to access very infrequently. In total, I need 20-25 gb of space but other than that I was happy with Tommy and no desire to change it.  Where may I find directions to set up my VPS? then I can copy the files myself.  If I could just pay you to increase storage in my Tommy, that would be the easiest path yet. Thanks

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1 hour ago, mm1 said:

Hi Krydos, what could I pay  to keep it simple and stay on Tommy with up to 25 gb of storage?

Based on what you're saying I think the simplest method would be to keep you on Tommy, and then use the VPS as file storage only. What we can do is leave your main domain mm1.helioho.st on Tommy and then put a domain like files.mm1.helioho.st on the VPS. Then you can set up your website and use Plesk to make your life easier, and then use FTP to upload your photos and whatnot onto the VPS for the extra storage space. Does that sound good to you?

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That sounds great. Can you setup VPS for me so that I have a URL to FTP to? I am familiar with Plesk from 20+ years of hosting at Godaddy, but not with VPS.  Thanks


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Perfect. I installed Apache, Certbot, created the domain, set up SSL to auto renew every 60 days, and enabled the firewall on your VPS. You can upload your files to

Protocol: SFTP
Port: 22
Logon type: Normal
Remote directory: /var/www/html/files
User: marcomessina
Password: <whatever you entered when you signed up for the VPS>

If you use Filezilla it will look something like this



Right now you can check out https://files.mm1.helioho.st/ and see an empty directory listing, but once you upload your photos and videos they will be available to link to from your main website. You can organize them however you wish, such as creating subdirectories through FTP, and if you want to hide the directory listing so people can't snoop around simply upload an empty file named index.html into each directory. Your OS, swap, logs, and installed programs on the VPS take up some of the 50 GB, but you have 38 GB free right now to upload whatever you want.

Let us know if you need help with anything else.

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