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Hello, I installed WordPress on my vps55 server. However, I'm trying to update some plugins, and need to enter my FTP credentials to proceed.

I tried with some that I found on the Internet in the forums, but it did not work.

I appreciate your help.




Hi @pepino,

Since you are hosting on your VPS, using Tommy, Johnny or Ricky FTP server addresses will not work, as they are solely made for accessing their respective servers and the services hosted on them.

Are you using a web host control panel on your VPS? If so, that panel will have the information about its integrated FTP server. By providing us its name, we can guide you in how to check it.

However, if you are running a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MariaDB/MySQL, PHP) stack, you need to check if you have an FTP server installed and running.

If you could tell us how you installed your WordPress and give us the below information, we can better assist you.

PS.: WordPress supports FTP and FTPS, but it does not support SFTP. If you still want to know your SFTP info, it would be the same (sub)domain address/IP address you use to access your VPS through SSH, as both (SFTP and SSH) use the same hostname/username/password/protocol/port.


Hello Kairion, thanks for your reply,

I'm not using a web host control panel on my VPS. I installed each component separately. 

I installed Wordpress based on this webpage: https://www.linode.com/docs/guides/how-to-install-wordpress-ubuntu-22-04/

I'm using apache as web server, MySQL as database, and:

php -v
PHP 7.4.33 (cli) (built: Feb 14 2023 18:31:54) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.4.0, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies
    with Zend OPcache v7.4.33, Copyright (c), by Zend Technologies

I appreciate your support if I have to install a FTPS server, I use let's encrypt to generate the necessary certificates. 


Thanks in advance.


As Kairion said above, you'd need to install an FTP server if you want that. A VPS does not have FTP/FTPS support by default, so there is no correct answer for those fields unless you've installed one. If you do install one, the host name is your VPS IP and the username/password for it is whatever you set up in the FTP server config. Note that if you have a firewall set up you need to allow incoming connections for it as well.

VPSes do have SFTP support, but that's an entirely different protocol from FTP/FTPS, and is provided by the SSH server instead of by an FTP server. Wordpress does not support this protocol.


Hi @pepino,

The tutorial you linked already has a workaround. You can edit your wp-config.php file and add the following line into it:

define('FS_METHOD', 'direct');

That line will allow you to bypass WordPress requirement of an FTP(S) server credentials.

You can also follow this DigitalOcean tutorial about installing vsftpd (an FTP server for Linux systems) into your VPS:


Some adaptations may be necessary, considering that the tutorial was written for Ubuntu 20.04 and you have Ubuntu 22.04, but it will not be that different.

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