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I tried to send an email in response to the contact form in my website and got an error message: 

535 5.7.8 Error: authentication failed: authentication failure

I use GMail to connect to my different email accounts, I have not changed passwords neither in Plesk nor in GMail. I tried to login directly to webmail to check the password but I the get an error 503 Service Temporarly Unavailable.

User: infantx
Site: infantex.com.mx
Server: Tommy


Hi @infantex,

We have run a domain cleaning that looks for Cloudflare hosted DNS domains and check their .well-known directory to make sure they are still being hosted with us (because the way Cloudflare works, by proxying DNS records, we are unable to verify if a domain using its services is hosted with us otherwise). Please make sure your .well-known directory is accessible through your domain (i.e., yourdomain.com/.well-known/) by checking your .htaccess file rules and/or directory permissions, this will prevent your domain from being disabled in the future.

As for enabling your (sub)domains, you can do that on your Plesk panel by clicking on your domain (if its data isn't showing) and then on its status just change it to "Activate" or "Enable":



If you face any problems in enabling your (sub)domains, please answer this topic to let us know so I can escalate the issue to our root admins.


I don't know what you mean with:

1 hour ago, Kairion said:

Please make sure your .well-known directory is accessible through your domain

Do I have a .well-known directory?

How do I make sure that it is accessible? I checked and, right now, only the main page is accessible, I can access none of the other pages; I get an error: The requested URL /preguntas.php was not found on this server (to name one of the pages, for example).

I logged into Plesk and there's a .well-known directory under public_html, permissions for group and others are read and execute, is it accessible as is, or should it have also write access for group and/or others? Would that be secure?

Also, permissions for the files of my pages (preguntas.php, quienes_somos.php, contacto.php and productos.php), are all the same: Owner: rw-, Group and Others: r--. Same for index.php, but only it is accessible. My whole site is gone now!

I only get the Web Server's Default Page, and Plesk states that: "You see this page because there is no Web site at this address." Well, there was!

1 hour ago, Kairion said:

As for enabling your (sub)domains, you can do that on your Plesk panel by clicking on your domain (if its data isn't showing) and then on its status just change it to "Activate" or "Enable":

OK. I found Status control in Plesk (I thought you were refering only to subdomains and didn't pay much attention at first) and changed it to Active for my three domains, but the sites remain inaccessible: I keep getting the default web server's page and the message that there's no website at my address.


Here's my .htaccess file:

# php -- BEGIN cPanel-generated handler, do not edit
# Set the “ea-php54” package as the default “PHP” programming language.
<IfModule mime_module>
  AddHandler application/x-httpd-ea-php54 .php .php5 .phtml
# php -- END cPanel-generated handler, do not edit

I see it was generated way back by cPanel (I guess). From what I see, it only mentions PHP settings. I do use PHP 5.6.40 because newer versions "break" my contact form.


My website is, finally, back online but, how can I prevent its deactivation in the future?

You mentioned something about a .well-known directory being accessible but I don't really understand what you're refering to.

Based on the answers given to other people having the same problem I posted the permission settings for said folder (rwx r-x r-x) and the contents of my .htaccess file:

10 hours ago, infantex said:

# php -- BEGIN cPanel-generated handler, do not edit
# Set the “ea-php54” package as the default “PHP” programming language.
<IfModule mime_module>
  AddHandler application/x-httpd-ea-php54 .php .php5 .phtml
# php -- END cPanel-generated handler, do not edit

What should I do?


The file based verification is incompatible with CF and a few other things (notably Lily accounts and possibly domains that have their root redirected into subfolders).

We won't be running this again for the time being due to all the issues it caused, so no action should be needed on your part aside from re-enabling your domains.

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