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Hi @ynqx04ha,

We have run a domain cleaning that looks for Cloudflare hosted DNS domains and check their .well-known directory to make sure they are still being hosted with us (because the way Cloudflare works, by proxying DNS records, we are unable to verify if a domain using its services is hosted with us otherwise). Please make sure your .well-known directory is accessible through your domain (i.e., yourdomain.com/.well-known/) by checking your .htaccess file rules and/or directory permissions, this will prevent your domain from being disabled in the future.

As for enabling your (sub)domains, you can do that on your Plesk panel by clicking on your domain (if its data isn't showing) and then on its status just change it to "Activate" or "Enable":



If you face any problems in enabling your (sub)domains, please answer this topic to let us know so I can escalate the issue to our root admins.


thanks for the info

my well known is readable only, but owned by root and can not be modified

htaccess should be fixed with RewriteRule ^\.well-known/.+ - [END]. is it required for the subdomains as well?


We discovered that the file based verification we implemented didn't work as well as we'd hoped. It turns out that it's incompatible with CloudFlare and Lily accounts, and domains that have their root redirected (which is a lot since people often put their site in a subfolder) have issues as well, which is probably what happened here.

You shouldn't need to modify the well-known folder yourself, just make sure visiting <domain>/.well-known/ doesn't redirect users to your website. You should get a directory listing or perhaps a default web page from Plesk.

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