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Strange spams messages, could some moderator or admin could check please

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Hi there when i go onto my account on tommy2, i see in my email many spams. Strangely the sender is said to come from as example:

abcd@sylvain.heliohost.org, 1234@sylvain.heliohost.org, something@sylvain.heliohost.org (you got the picture).

I wonder if some admin could check it, why i have these types of spams. It might help also to help other users of heliohost.org to not have these spams.

I simply guess when peoples write me, they write in the contact form as from ......@sylvain.heliohost.org

Thanks for your time and help. A+


People can spoof the email as being from anyone address they want to. If the email domain, such as sylvain.heliohost.org, does not authorize them as a sender then it fails SPF and goes to spam.


Well its a good thing that it goes to spam. Beside i only accept basic text messages with the captcha contact form. Its a good thing you help me with many things, i dont want that heliohost have any problems. Its nice for the SPF. I also have some projects, as maybe change the complete look of my webpages. Have also other projects. I wonder what wysiwyg free full legal softwares page design i could have? I think OpenElement could be nice (reading some online comments) but not easy i think?

Thanks again, i appreciate very much. 👍

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