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Suspended: lukyp


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It's suspended because you uploaded nulled (pirated) software. Pirated software is not welcome here. You have 24 hours from now to either prove you have a license for the software on your account, or to delete the contents of your public_html folder. If we do not hear from you, your account will be suspended again. 


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I am sorry..

I just install the script and test it.

I document every steps in writing in order to make an instruction or guide on how to install and use the software.

I don't even use the software in production.

Client sent me a script, I install and use it in every possible scenarios and make documentation, that's all.

I did not ask if my client have the valid license for it because it is unrelated to my job.

edit: In the future, I will delete the content of public_html as soon as I am done with a job.
usually the files stays there for a while in between jobs, but never actually use it in production state.
Please tell me if it's OK with you.

Thank you for understanding.


Screen Shot 2021-07-07 at 21.42.40.png

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For that sort of thing, I'd suggest you download something like xampp instead. Then you can just run the program on your computer to take pictures and write documentation for it.

Unfortunately the law here in America where we are based requires us to suspend you if you have such content on your account for any reason. If we knowingly allow pirated content to be hosted or fail to remove it upon request of the copyright owner, we're no longer protected against lawsuits. As such, paid software cannot be uploaded for any reason unless you have a license (though you could upload a trial version of a paid product if one is available since these are generally free to use and the trial license may work for long enough to write your documentation).

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Some, that I can test the software locally, I usually use XAMPP, but some of them require SSL certificate for the front-end to work.

That's OK. I will try my best to ask my client to show me proof of license next time.

Thank you.

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