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That account was suspended for having a hacked WP installation. Please try not to use WordPress as it is prone to attacks. A new invite has been sent to the email address on file.


I don't think so it having hacked wo installation because I was using free theme only as well as plugin directly from site only.


Could you please tell me more about same so I can aware of the issue.


It has a phishing site on it that the hacker put there, so yes it's hacked. WP itself is massively insecure and must be kept updated at all times.


Also, many "free" Wordpress themes from questionable sites are free because they have a backdoor in them. The hacker then uses the backdoor to set up phishing, send spam, or host malware on your account, all of which make the criminals tons of money off the unsuspecting public when it works correctly.


The best solution is to not use WP at all. The second best solution is to keep everything up to date, use as few themes and extensions as possible, and and avoid using extensions and themes from random websites.

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