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[Solved] WordPress - Internal server error (500)


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Hello everyone,

Sorry for  my question, i'm new here.

Recently, I received a 500 error on my site, and it is really slow to open.
I already modified the php.ini file before, then delete the contents of the worpress and reinsttalle again but, the problem still remains. (500 Internal server error).
So, please what can I do, how can I have a server, easy to open and without this problem (500) for my little wordpress website?


Thank you so much.


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I highly recommend it that you should never ever run Wordpress onto our servers! WP is just really badly written, It's the number one cause of weird errors, suspensions, and even Phishing bans. (usually when the hackers set up phishing on your account) A 500 error with WP is almost always due to installing defective, bloated, or simply too many plugins. It’s really terrible and it throws in a lot of errors and also a lot of hacks. We have a lot of users successfully installing Joomla on their sites and that is recommended.


Also, Johnny is our slowest server and he has been running slow every year. If you need a better performance server, get Tommy server.


Keep in mind that the next Tommy's signup button reset is not until midnight and you have to be quick enough before it gets filled fast during the day. If you don't want to wait in line or you can’t stay up at midnight, you can consider making a donation of minimum $1.00 to skip the line. Go to heliohost.org/tommy to get started and after you donate, an invitation will be sent to your via email in 24 hours. You will first need to delete your Johnny account before you open a new account, according to the terms and services and to do it, go to this link http://www.heliohost...pts/delete.php.


If you want to move your account along with all your files, go to Heliohost.org/donate. Next copy your transaction ID and paste it here. Then our root admins will verify and once it’s fully verified, they will move your account along with your files over to Tommy. :)

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please, check this, i juste make a litle donation to move on the Tommy server if it possible,
justle litle because i don't have enought, B)  but hope, you will accept.

Thank you.

Bitcoin TXT ID83185c48767a99b1f73291b782c3bf27c16af0d98fd885e14a6f1b5024940534 (sorry, at my country paypal is not accepted, so i use Bitcoin)

BTC:  0.00062350  (5.5$)


email: odilonserandrian at gmail.com (dagounlock.tk)

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