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Hello, I had an old helionet account "TPOG" from years ago using a gmail email (the forum id is still active but can't access the website / unrecognised).


Yesterday I signed up on "johnny" but it showed TPOG was unavailable so I've signed up as TPOG2 using a hotmail email.


It's not a major issue but anything I can do to get TPOG2 renamed to TPOG please?


Unfortunately, the only way to rename a cPanel hosting username is to delete your username and signup again. Although an Admin can send you an invite for the same, do it only if it's needed.


For the forum account, and Admin can easily rename it for you. :)


Thanks very much for your reply - "TPOG2" is currently "empty" so while I'm happy to delete and re-apply, I can't get access to delete the old "TPOG" account except on the forum. Reading some of the other posts, wondered whether it's been archived and so would need to see if it can be restored?


The tpog is only the forum account that you're talking about. There's no cPanel account with this username.


Make a post in 'Contact HelioNet' section to delete your forum account (tpog). Then delete your account and post using tpog2 and an Admin or a Moderator will send you an invite to Johnny, and you can recreate your account. Then an Admin will rename the tpog2 forum account to tpog. :)


@sohamb03: We can just merge forum accounts, no need to delete them.


Also, if he signs up using the same email that's on the tpog forum account, it should let him use tpog for his cpanel username and just link the forum account vs. make a new one.


Thanks both for your comments - just to clarify it's nothing to do with the forum.


I've signed up again to heliohost.org but it wouldn't let me use "tpog" subdomain (I'm assuming as I'd used it previously years ago) - but I'm unable to access / see http://tpog.heliohost.org/


I've set my new subdomain up as http://tpog2.heliohost.org/ - the question was can I get tpog2 renamed to tpog (or delete / restore the old tpog assuming it's my old one and I can re-register)?


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