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My site is https://www.deveofe.tech. When I access my site then first it shows error establishing a database connection and after sonetimes shows 500 internal error or internal error. But Sometimes I can access my site. I am using wp in my site. I am on johnny server. Pls help me fix this error


That's very natural if you're on Johnny. And you're just likely to get suspended for that. Johnny can't take the high load that WP creates.


My suggestion, is, move to Tommy by making a donation (minimum $1).


Then I will need to delete my site and create an account on tommy, isn't it?

You cannot create an account on Tommy yet. The best you could do for now is to sign up for Ricky. However, if you could donate at least $1 (https://www.heliohost.org/donate/), a root admin can move your account to Tommy in no time.


In tommy will this type of error often?



Moved to customer service.


If you donate, please post your transaction ID here and I'll get your account moved for you :)


By the way, we recommend not using WordPress regardless of server. It's extremely bloated, poorly written, and also extremely insecure. Many of our users have found Joomla to be a decent substitute that doesn't face as many issues.

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