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Today I received an e-mail about logging in within the coming days in order to avoid being suspended due to inactivity.


I can log in to my account but when i click the cPanel icon nothing happens. This also happened the last time i received that same e-mail. After an hours time I could finally log in to cPanel the last time it happended but I did not find out why i took so long. This time around more than an hour has passed and still no change.


My user name is prost.


Thanks in advance for a superb service.


I am on Tommy server and the cPanel icon activates this URL: https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083/login/


I have opened all outgoing traffic on my firewall and I am blocking incoming traffic. Everything else is working so should not be firewall related unless you require inbound open ports.


My website and main domain is working great on prost.heliohost.org.


After a few minutes I get 'The connection has timed out' in Firefox.


It's probably your ISP or network blocking port 2083, not your PC. Most school and corporate networks block it at the network's edge firewall for example, and you won't be able to do anything about it in that scenario other than using a VPN.


Logging into https://heliohost.org/login/ is enough to qualify as activity though, even if you can't reach cPanel itself. Your last login date is showing as today, so you've already done what you need to :)

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