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I've requested that my main domain change for a long time now, almost a week if I'm not mistaken. I read everywhere that it takes at most 48 hours so I'm just wondering how come mine is taking such a long time?


First we need to deal with your Terms of Service violation for having 2 accounts. Users are only allowed to have one account. Which account do you want to keep (the other will be permanently suspended)?


Once you answer that, we can figure out your domain issue. What domain do you want your account to have?


Oh, didn't even know that was a thing. Apologies. I mainly created the other one because I used the wrong domain on this one and it was taking a bit too long to switch. So you might aswell just remove this one, it's of no use anymore. So just keep the 'chum' one active and delete this one. Then there'd be no need for the domain thing since this one's the one with the domain issue. Thanks for the response.

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