JcX Posted May 14, 2008 Posted May 14, 2008 I read this from newspaper few days ago. It's about an modelling experiment done by a group of scientists to re-make an bombardment in pre-history age. And from the data shown, they found out a petrifying fact. ---- The Earth spins in different direction millions years ago!! ---- From the experiment, the group of scientists said, millions years ago, the Earth was spinning in a different direction, that is from east to west and the speed is 4 times faster than the current speed. This phenomenon caused no living things on Earth could survive. A celestial object, as huge as the Mars crashed with the Earth. The impact had caused the Earth to decelerate, and eventually change its rotating direction, from west to east. This impact results a lot of fragments such as rocks and dusts, and due to gravity, it all merge and form the Moon as we can see today. The most important result of this impact is changing the Earth direction and slowing it down. This makes the Earth with the temparature and magnetic field it has today, and give chance for living things to survive. In abbreviation, this incident has indirectly give the property of "alive" to our mother Earth. *I read this from newspaper, so I don't have any proofs to show to you all. At the mean while, I'm kinda lazy to search google for this article :-p Quote
awesomegamer Posted May 19, 2008 Posted May 19, 2008 Did the object become part of earth's mass itself? If it evened out it would probably be part of the crust. Quote
JcX Posted May 19, 2008 Author Posted May 19, 2008 Well... the article didn't mention so much about that. But from the others article that I've read, about "Mars crushed on Earth", they all agreed with a point, Once upon a time, a celestial object as big as Mars crushed on the Earth AND THEN CONTINUE ITS ORBIT, while the fragments produced in the impact has produced the moon. So I'm supposed that celestial object just went away like that after the impact and gifted us the moon. (This has many proofs, scientist found many elements/substances that is very similar to the Earth's on the moon. They believe that the Moon is originated from the Earth.) Quote
phoexer Posted May 19, 2008 Posted May 19, 2008 You're right, it is scary. so one collision started life and another wiped out the dinosours. <Do i sence some irony to this?> Quote
JcX Posted May 19, 2008 Author Posted May 19, 2008 Another wiped the dinosaurs? Which collision does that? According to what I know, the Earth only been gone through this kinda impact once. That is the time when it forms the Moon. Quote
awesomegamer Posted May 20, 2008 Posted May 20, 2008 Was it proven that a meteor hit the earth to kill the dinosaurs? Or was that just a theory? Quote
JcX Posted May 21, 2008 Author Posted May 21, 2008 Never heard that a meteor collision wiped out the dinosaurs. The only reason I know is because dinosaurs are competitive against prey. They keep fighting each other and hunting for prey until there's no prey for them. Then they fight each other to kill for food. AND EVENTUALLY They die of hunger. Quote
phoexer Posted May 21, 2008 Posted May 21, 2008 Well that sucks! its would have made a better story if a meteor wiped them out. cuz starving to death, thats just not right. By the way, i have absolutley no evidence to back up my earlier claims. None at all! just heard it somewhere so i wont argue as to whether i'm right or wrong. Quote
JcX Posted May 22, 2008 Author Posted May 22, 2008 Well.... I guess only archaeologist or a scientist can answer us. But I didn't deny your assumption, that might be true, but just that I never heard of that theory. By the way, still feeling that my theory is better, biologically. If your claim was true, then I have a question. Why the meteor just wiped the dinosaur out? And how that meteor hit the Earth and able to wipe out all the dinosaurs around the globe?? Quote
Sungazer Posted May 22, 2008 Posted May 22, 2008 its an interesting theory but i think there are a few to many holes in it. if something that big hit the earth nothing would survive the stuff thrown into the atmosphere, including bacteria, let alone the gravity going from a heck of a lot more than what it is now, down to none, and then to what it is now. for the earth to reverse rotation the impact would have had to reverse the rotation of the core, because the crust couldnt go against the cores current for very long. and since gravity comes from the cores rotation, hense my gravity theory. all that being said that would mean that life would have either not even gotten started at that point or it would have had to have started over completely. wow, not sure why i got so into that but hey, it was kinda fun speculating! Quote
JcX Posted May 24, 2008 Author Posted May 24, 2008 Well. Sungazer, if something that big hit on the Earth, yea, nothing could possibly survive. and this theory is based on that, before life existed on earth. and after the crash, the possibility for lives to exist on Earth was created as the suitable temperature was created for plants and other lives. About the gravity thing, I bet it refers to the speed of rotation of the Earth. The faster it rotates, the more loosely its gravity is, due to angular acceleration. Hence after the crash, the gravity strength changes. Quote
phoexer Posted May 27, 2008 Posted May 27, 2008 Now i remember where i got that theory, ok here it comes. Promise not to laugh! The inspiration for the theory is Wait for it! Wait for it! Armagedon: starring Bruce Willis, Ben Afflick and Liv Taylor Ratings: 10/10 Bloody Good movie! It called a planet killer a rock the size of texas is believed to have wiped out the dinosours. A land collision brings about a cloud so thick that light cant penetrate it. all living creatures choke to death, heck not even bacteria survives. a water collision results in a tidal wave so high moving so fast everyone drowns before the can say "OH MY GOD!" I dont think i got the wording correct but you get the idea. PS: This is not a scientifically proven but it makes a hell of a plot for a movie! PSS:If you haven't watched it, go rent it NOW! What are you still reading this for? GET OUT!!!!! Quote
Sungazer Posted May 27, 2008 Posted May 27, 2008 on the plus side look at the shanangans it spawnd its a good debate topic regaurdless Quote
phoexer Posted May 28, 2008 Posted May 28, 2008 Question: Scientists keep saying that life is only possible between a certain range of values. like if the earth spun faster we wouldn't be here. I would think that seeing how living things have an adaptabilty rate thats phenominal they could theoretically adapt, evolve, you name it to suit where ever they are. Get my logic? Like if the earth spun faster then a totally different type of life form evolves. I hope i was clear enough, Quote
JcX Posted May 28, 2008 Author Posted May 28, 2008 Yea, I get the meaning of your question. But first think, if homosapien can theoretically evolve or adapt to a new environment, we would have found our species on the Moon or the Mars now! I don't know how to explain to you, but we human indeed have the best ability to adapt in many environment, but with a limit though. We still need oxygen, we still can't live in extreme weather, etc. Like you said, if the earth would have spun faster, things gained higher angular acceleration and lesser gravity. We might probably been throw away by this high speed rotation of Earth's. And the most important thing is the magnetic field that surround the Earth would change, causing radiation that enters the Earth increased (this is what I think, but definitely, the magnetic field strength will change) And also, the length of day is shorter, plants wouldn't be able to survive without enough photosynthesis process going on. There're plenty of reason to deny the possibilities of live to adapt in this "hellish" environment. And thanks for your Armageddon theory, I really have forgot what they said, but definitely not the movie and the heart touching ending. *and also the song "I don't wanna close my eyes~~~ I don't wanna fall asleep 'cause I miss you baby~~ and I don't wanna miss a thing~~~~" Quote
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