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So this may be related to https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/32867-cant-change-php-version-on-tommy/


Im using php 7.2 had no problem with switching in cpanel . did that a week ago when i got upgraded.


I also noticed the apcu error.Though the error log popped up in a strange place, in the same folder as the offending script. I took it on faith that this is just how you have it set. Odd but handy in that you have a log where the error happened. I also assumed the apc error had something to do with cpanel editor because my script doesn't use apcu but i was using cpanel to edit said.


The questions are..

What happened to apcu? its not showing up in php info anymore. i thought it was great that i would have access to apcu and will definitely use it if available.


In MutiPHP Manager i could sworn there was an entry under PHP-FPM. But its showing the nothing/not icon now. Is this right?


If you updated or changed your PHP version then APCu is probably not enabled in php.ini. Most likely the same for the FPM package.

Posted (edited)

If you noticed I did say that apc was there and now gone.

this was after switching to 7.2

Edited by kazambie

Wish i had logged my phpinfo. I had issues like this at godaddy. there system/people would change the php.ini and break things. I got in the habit of diffing my phpinfo to see what they had changed. and get them to fix it.


Hmm, I wouldn't worry about that, when @Krydos sees this he'll install all the necessary packages. And to save him time later he'll probably install all the ones that were on 7.1 to 7.2.

Posted (edited)

Do we have per user editable php.ini on Tommy? If so where is it? and whats its name?

Apparently the button is hidden. It should be under software next to MultiPHP. But its gone. You can change the php.ini here for tommy

Edited by ziad87

f-n ell just had a power outage here in vegas. Lost what i was saying.... oh..


So i can edit a local php.ini. @ the link, cpanel picks up ea-php56, should be ea-php72 or does this matter considering its in the home folder? Also what directives can be used? i understand that the safe stuff like fileUpload, sessions gc, yata yata... what about extensions? PHP Doc says that there only allowed in php.ini. Am I running sandboxed or shared with virtualhosts? I mean I dont want to crash Tommy or mess someone else up if i screw up in a shared host env. If i add APCu into my php.ini is it going to fix my issue?


Php.ini is based on a per user basis.

Why would they have a global editor in cpanel not WHM(Web Host Manager)?

Anyway, it's your php.ini and nobody else's. So do whatever you want with it.

It is on a per domain basis, and it uses the multiphp of that domain.


We don't support per-user php.ini files, though some directives can be overridden in scripts with set_ini(). The only php.ini that should be honored by the server is the global one for the version of php your running.

Posted (edited)

We don't support per-user php.ini files, though some directives can be overridden in scripts with set_ini(). The only php.ini that should be honored by the server is the global one for the version of php your running.

Well that doesn't seem to be the case. cpanel just dropped a htaccess user.ini and php.ini in my home folder. I edited the php.ini with some setting and voila (safe stuff or already configured items)  get changed. But not extensions :(

And when you say "global" you mean all the ones under php.d?  Just when did distros start chopping the ini into ini's, it used to be just one long file or is this just a cpanel thing?


yes im old and out of date and trying to catch up...

Edited by kazambie

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