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Can you run this SSH Command for me to install Composer so that I can install plugins for roundcube.


Can you run this code: echo 'alias composer="php -d allow_url_fopen=On /home/gemsinth/composer.phar"' >> ~/.bashrc



Jonathon Roberts


Also can I run php commands or can I give you the code to run.

Posted (edited)

That command just defines "composer" as a bash command alias...which won't do much good since you can't access SSH. Composer requires SSH or php's exec() functions to be useful, neither of which we allow for security reasons. We get requests for Composer all the time, but as of now, there is no secure way for us to support it.


What you can do is set up Composer on your local PC and run your composer commands there. Then, upload the resulting file structure and it will run on our servers. The one time I've had to use composer, this was what I did and it worked perfectly (just had to set paths/DB settings in the application config file). Composer is just an assembly tool for software, and is not required for the assembled software to function.

Edited by wolstech

Krydos would know more than I do about how it should be done on Linux.


If you're on Windows, there's guides out there. You need a web server (or at least PHP) already on your PC. Xampp is probably the most well known Apache/PHP server setup for Windows, and if you want, you can get a portable version. you could then look at something like this for setting up Composer: http://webdevzoom.com/how-to-install-composer-on-windows/

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