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Bit of a random question but I have noticed that when looking through the forms there are many moderators/root admins that seem to be inactive, this is a bazar question but just wondered why...


Is it because they just don't use HelioHost anymore?




  • Ashoat (the founder of HelioHost) is still around and is fairly involved behind the scenes. I don't even know when the last time he posted anything publicly, but he's had a lot of input on the backend. He's our CFO, and handles most of the financial stuff.
  • Byron is around quite often and handles a lot of the escalated issues. He has root access to everything just like me and Ashoat. He's our COO.
  • Cl58 hasn't done any admin type stuff in years, but he created a new account on Tommy I believe and still uses our service as a regular user now.
  • Ice IT Support just got really busy with real life I think. He's come back a few times and said he was going to try to get more involved again, but then gets too busy to learn all the recent changes.
  • JJE has been gone for years, but pops in every once in a while.
  • Luigi123 is active.
  • Shinryuu just dropped of the face of the earth one day without saying goodbye and we've seen no signs of him in over four years.
  • Tjoene is fairly active.
  • I believe Wizard is a friend of Ashoat, but he's been gone since before my time so who knows.
  • Wolstech is very active.
  • Xaav dropped of the face of the earth too, which was kind of strange because he was the main root admin when he disappeared. He's pretty much the reason I took over as root admin is because after a month or two of there being no root admin HelioHost was really starting to fall apart. Stevie only had like 30% uptime, etc. It was a mess, but I cleaned it up.
  • Yashrs is fairly active too.

Ahhh okay thanks!


I'm honestly suprised at this answer because if it's amount of information, you really do seem to know the place! And yes I think I was most curious about Ashoat as he has pinned things from 2005/6 but then seemed to have disappeared but I had no idea he was the founder. Congrats for him, this is a really helpful idea!


I know that this may not be in the best interests of Xaav but I would remove their root access for now unless they come back as they could be a target for a hack, unless I'm mistaken on how the root admin works...


Thanks again for your help,



Also, what do Moderators and Root Admins actually do behind the scenes?




Also, what do Moderators and Root Admins actually do behind the scenes?

Behind the scenes? Well, in general terms we keep everything running just like the managers and owners of any business would. We have to file taxes, and register as a corporation. We recently restructured our company to be an official 501c3 not for profit organization which included assigning titles to each other and having occasional board meetings. Ashoat has to travel to Fremont California every once in a while to physically work on the servers, or install new hardware. We have to pay the bills. We have to keep track of our income and expenses. I don't know. We have to do a ton of stuff behind the scenes.
Posted (edited)


  • I believe Wizard is a friend of Ashoat, but he's been gone since before my time so who knows.



I'm also friends with Wizard on facebook. He's a Software Engineer at Facebook now. He must have taken over when Ashoat left? :)

Edited by Byron

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