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Hello. I'm want to use Ricky for Mysql remote server, but when I'm trying to connect server via nodejs external server, I've got this message:
Error: ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR: Access denied for user 'etfu_dbname@*.compute-1.amazonaws.com' (using password: YES)

I know that I've need enable MySQL remote, but where I can do that. On Remote MySQL® page I can only see hosts manage, nothing else. Add % or something else doesn't work. I hope you can help me with that.



Posted (edited)

Put a % sign in the host list on the remote page for testing. That will eliminate the IP address as the issue.


Also, make sure you assigned your database user to the database. Note that users and databases are two separate things (though the username can match the DB name if you wish).


Many people forget to either create a user, or to associate the user and database. Either will cause an access denied error. Be sure the user exists, is associated, and granted all permissions for now (if you want to tighten security, it's best to do so after you get it working).

Edited by wolstech

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