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1. Your Cpanel username = Michael8

2. Your main domain = michael8.heliohost.org (free account for the moment) deciding if I want to go paid

3. Server that you're on Johnny


To reset an account to it's starting state again you must go to http://www.heliohost.org/classic/support/scripts/delete to delete it, and then https://www.heliohost.org/signup/ to recreate it. Deleting and recreating is the only way to do what you're wanting. There is no reset button.


We don't actually have any paid plans. All of our services are free. Tommy has a limited number of free signups each day starting at midnight UTC. If you want to donate to help us stay in business go to https://www.heliohost.org/donate/ and a special invitation link will be emailed to you. This link allows you to create your Tommy account whenever you want and even if the server is full for the day.


Post the transaction ID and the new email address to send the invite to. If you don't want the email address to public you can PM me, but make sure you post here saying you sent a PM because I never check them otherwise.


I have verified that your Johnny account is fully deleted. I changed your forum username so you can create your account on Tommy as michael8 again if you wish. I have verified the transaction ID and sent the invitation to the alternate email address. Let us know if you need help with anything else. Thanks a lot for the donation.

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