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Thanks for the quick reply. I made a donation earlier today and recieved an invite about an hour ago. However, when I click on the link to validate my email, it says that my storage space is being doubled then I get redirected to http 500 error page that says "www.heliohost.org is currently unable to handle this request.". Does this mean that my account hasn't been updated yet, or am I doing something wrong?





Due to Stevie crash, please would you move account virtav to Tommy.


If possible I want to re-use all the details I had on Stevie - I have a tar backup from your link of Stevie data.



Many thanks



PS. Donation made


Due to Stevie crash, please would you move account virtav to Tommy.


If possible I want to re-use all the details I had on Stevie - I have a tar backup from your link of Stevie data.



Many thanks


Have you received a Tommy invite?


I would like to move to Tommy as well. I made a donation, but the email is different than the one here. How long does it take for the invite? Also, my sites were wordpress installations. Are the databases gone? The files in the zip were only the website files, but not the databases. Please forgive my ignorance, but I don't know a lot about how this works. Also not sure which domain was the main and which were subs or addons. Do you need all or just one to move everything?


Appreciate all the help you can give!


Username = gadgetcc domain= bringmelight.com


How long does it take for the invite?

You should receive your invite within 24 hours of the submission after Paypal has fully transferred the funds. If you don't receive your invite within 24 hours post your paypal (or Skrill) transaction ID number and we can get it resent.


Also, my sites were wordpress installations. Are the databases gone? The files in the zip were only the website files, but not the databases. Please forgive my ignorance, but I don't know a lot about how this works. Also not sure which domain was the main and which were subs or addons. Do you need all or just one to move everything?

Each domain you want to move to Tommy needs to be listed for removal by a root admin.


Username = gadgetcc domain= bringmelight.com

The username gadgetcc, and the domain bringmelight.com are now available to create a new account.


Due to Stevie crash, please would you move account virtav to Tommy.


If possible I want to re-use all the details I had on Stevie - I have a tar backup from your link of Stevie data.



Many thanks


Have you received a Tommy invite?


Hi Byron. No invite received. Possibly due to my account on Stevie having an email address based on Stevie which is now inop. My paypal tansaction was

Transaction ID: 5YT506897B433974B

and domain musto.net

Many thanks for the help - have been without critical email on that server now since it went down


Thank you...but no invite received. I have checked sp@m folders too. nothing.

As mentioned, if you are using the email address on your current records, it is probably one that is stored on Stevie...and strangely enough those are all dead due to the disk crash your side so I am not getting any email from my domain on your system. (that has been a case for over a month)


When you offered tar backups of data recovered on Stevie, you asked us to login with an email address originally used to open our helio account.

I did that and got my data. THAT address is still working and is NOT on Stevie. If you can see that address on my account (starts virtav), please send the invite link to that email address


Otherwise can you private message me so I can supply a full current email address for you to send the link/invite too ?

I don't wish to publish an email address on a public forum due to sp@m concerns


Already you are asking all of us to publish our logon names and domains on a public forum so we can get tech support - that's really not good for any of us from a security point of view This is all personal data that needs to remain confidential between you and the user, no-one else.


Thanks for your help


Thank you...but no invite received. I have checked sp@m folders too. nothing.

Invite resent to your @yahoo.ca address.


Already you are asking all of us to publish our logon names and domains on a public forum so we can get tech support - that's really not good for any of us from a security point of view This is all personal data that needs to remain confidential between you and the user, no-one else.

Most people don't consider usernames and domains private information.

Already you are asking all of us to publish our logon names and domains on a public forum so we can get tech support - that's really not good for any of us from a security point of view This is all personal data that needs to remain confidential between you and the user, no-one else.

if I know your "logon name" (user name) it gets me what ?


if you think you domain is not known by anyone - use this link --> [ https://www.whatsmydns.net/ ] and enter your domain name (not the URL) - then click on [ Search ] and look at the map - click your browser reload icon to see more sites on the map - each of those sites has a compleat copy of your domain's DNS records


IMO - the Admins will not ask anyone to post "confidential" information in this forum

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