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Stevie Didn't Boot


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Well, Tommy seems to be mostly good to go, so it probably won't be long. However, we're really busy with trying to fix Stevie and trying to get everyone from Stevie set up on a new server, so putting the finishing touches on Tommy are a lower priority.

If you got an invite to Tommy your website can be back up in a matter of minutes. Tommy offers nearly instant domain creation instead of having to wait up to 24 hours like Stevie and Johnny. When the email says "before it goes live" it means before we offer daily free signups starting at midnight UTC each day.

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Okay, thanks for replying... and you probably can't answer this specifically, but do you have a rough estimate as to what "it probably won't be long" means? A day... two days, a week?

Sorry to be a pain, but I am obviously concerned about people not having access to my website.


Thanks again.


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Sorry to be a pain, but I am obviously concerned about people not having access to my website.

If you create an account on Tommy by clicking the link in your invitation email your website will probably be available for people to access in about 30 minutes or less.
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Your invitation has been resent to your paypal email address.

I can confirm that finally it has been fixed for me with your help. it's very appreciated. I can now login to c-panel as I could before. Wishing you good luck with repair of Stevie too and sending warm wishes on the occasion of Advent. Thank you for resolving of this issue, Krydos.

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Sorry to be a pain, but I am obviously concerned about people not having access to my website.

If you create an account on Tommy by clicking the link in your invitation email your website will probably be available for people to access in about 30 minutes or less.


That's GREAT. Thanks. I'm moving http://greenvalleyrecording.heliohost.org/?9096 and e-mail address richard@greenvalleyrecording.com to Tommy.

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The domain greenvalleyrecording.heliohost.org and that email address are now available to create a new account. Let us know if you need help with anything else.

Thank you. I found that my old username "richard" is now not available. Can that be made available again, or should I use a new one?

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Well, the problem with that username is it was taken by a user that's not you on the forum years ago. It would be kind of rude to change some random person's username for this. Can't you just use a different username?

Yes I can, but I had richard as my user name since I first signed on with my website (I'm not referring to my forum name; but rather my web user sign-in name). I'm surprised that I wouldn't continue to have access to the same name as when I was on Stevie.

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It's because the account creation software changed to now create a forum account with the same name during sign up. If the forum account fails to create due to it already existing, the hosting account also fails to create.


It was a change that was implemented with the release of our new website.

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Sorry if this has been asked before, but I was on Stevie (konzept.heliohost.org) and since it is down now, my questions would be:

  1. Will I still be able to get a backup of my files on Stevie at this moment? Or I'll have to wait for Stevie to be fixed?
  2. How can I move to Johnny / Tommy?
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It's because the account creation software changed to now create a forum account with the same name during sign up. If the forum account fails to create due to it already existing, the hosting account also fails to create.


It was a change that was implemented with the release of our new website.


Okay, I logged on to Tommy with my new username gvr590 and new password and uploaded from my ftp program all my files. But I can't get into the to site. I'm really not technical enough to know what's wrong... I'm guessing my URL isn't pointing to the correct spot, put I don't know how to fix it. Can you please help me? My URL is www.greenvalleyrecording.com and it used to go to my Stevie greenvalley.heliohost.org web site. What should I do to make this work again? Thank you.


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No one is able to access the files on Stevie right now, so you'll have to use your most recent backup or wait for him to be fixed. We recommend everyone create an account on Johnny or Tommy in the meantime. If you want to reuse your username, domain, or email address just let us know and an admin can clear them out of the system.


I'm guessing my URL isn't pointing to the correct spot, put I don't know how to fix it. Can you please help me? My URL is www.greenvalleyrecording.com and it used to go to my Stevie greenvalley.heliohost.org web site. What should I do to make this work again? Thank you.

That domain is still being hosted on Stevie, which is offline. What you need to do is go to https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083/frontend/paper_lantern/park/index.html and park greenvalleyrecording.com. Once you do that it should start working in 30 minutes or less.
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I'm guessing my URL isn't pointing to the correct spot, put I don't know how to fix it. Can you please help me? My URL is www.greenvalleyrecording.com and it used to go to my Stevie greenvalley.heliohost.org web site. What should I do to make this work again? Thank you.

That domain is still being hosted on Stevie, which is offline. What you need to do is go to https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083/frontend/paper_lantern/park/index.html and park greenvalleyrecording.com. Once you do that it should start working in 30 minutes or less.


I clicked on the "park link" you provided and was taken to a cPanel "Alias" assignment page. I created an alias for www.greenvalleyrecording.com and saved it. Now, a half hour later when I put www.greenvalleyrecording.com in a browser address bar, I get a page that simply says "Index of/" with some other empty headings. Please try that URL and you'll see what I mean. It must have something to do with the fact that my new user name is different from what it was on Stevie and the directory structure in the cPanel file is different. I'm really over my head here and am appealing to you for help. Thank you for your time.

By the way, in my ftp program, this is what is set as my "Initial Remote Host Directory": /home1/richard/public_html/greenvalleyrecording.com

Is that correct, and if not, what should it be? (It appears that in cPanel File Manager that the root directory is /home/gvr590. All my files are correctly listed there... so why is the website not showing up in a browser? Thanks.

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I see an empty directory listing, which means the domain is configured properly. Did you upload files into the public_html folder?


The park/alias function automatically points your domain to public_html, so if you put your files elsewhere, you'll need to move them.

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