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germany tried that once, in WWI, but the mexicans are smart enough to know about the crazy rednecks we have in the south, and our nukes. They're afraid of us.

No, if they were, there wouldn't be a Mexican immigration crisis.


lets see what do most people see in america...


freedom of choice, opinion, speech, religion, but thoes were the original things that were to stay and presidents found a way to edit them to not be so free called amendments


How could they know america is so great without experiencing it?


the "great american dream" to people like mexicans, and back a couple decades people in like ireland, russia, poland, etc, is that in america you could become a docter, police officer, you could be anything. most native born americans can never be any of the things like that, but I guess immigrants have a better chance here than in their country, or at least thats what they think.

That's true. Nowdays the Constitution is simply for show - it never is actually followed. Take the prisoners held in Guatenamo Bay, for example................................

if they somehow got the case to the supreme court, then it could have been stopped, but the supreme court can't just declare something without a case. The people get what they want, even if its unconstitutional. And yeah, it's followed, but only when the supreme court wants to...


The constitution only applies when a majority thinks it should, and the same thing goes for any other law or social rule. And I must say, considering that the majority of the world are morons, I'd say that us intellegent types are being screwed by our own laws.


I agree with them I jsut think that everyone is trying to interpret them for each and every situation and deciding if it applies, when they dont need to be interpreted beyond you have the right to speak freely without the fear of persecution. That's definitly vauge, basically saying that you have the right to ruin someones career by putting BS into newspapers and stuff, but its a [bleeped!] good Idea and people shouldnt be trying to interpret it past what it says.


People are morons, thats the entire issue. A few very intelligent people made up the building blocks of a great nation, and the next thing you know total idiots are having kids and infecting us with their genes... That is the root of our problem and I most definitly think that we need to have a little moronicide goin on here. Hitler had a [bleeped!] good idea there with killing inferior people, he just chose the wrong people... HAI HITLER!!


No [bleeped!] there sherlock. He wiped out races and religions he thought were inferior, and I [bleeped!] well think the world would be way better off if he had a different game plan and thought that morons were inferior. Actually, [bleeped!] it. I believe that the entire human race is inferior, no, its a virus plagueing this planet. A virus is defined by something that depletes all resouces in its area and either finds another source or dies. That is exactly what humans are doing and someone needs to figure out how to stop it.

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