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[Solved] Suspended: Cockhero


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Thank you for your prompt reply.

I have taken extra care not to include any pornographic material on your host nor any image of nude man and woman (I've read ToS before making an accout here). Which file/s violate your ToS so I can remove/modify them?

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Source: http://wiki.helionet.org/Terms

Your site will not be of a pornographic nature and will refrain from providing pictures and/or photographs of nude men and women.


Notice it doesn't say anything about hosting pornographic files on our server? It doesn't matter if you host the actual files elsewhere, or have an iframe to a porn site, or stream the actual videos from some other location, or whatever other silly tricks you want to come up with. If your site has a "pornographic nature" it is in violation of our ToS and will be suspended. Can you modify your site to comply?

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Thank you for you reply.


I'm sorry. I might have been misunderstood.


There are no tricks to it. When I made an account here I rationalized that rule quoted by you was setup in order to reduce the overuse of resources on your server, such as bandwith in case of pornografic video or image hosting or cpu overuse etc. since it is a shared host. To achieve this, no such files are hosted on your server. I have even created two versions of the site, all the time having in mind low resource use.


To sum up: if this is a technical issue (which until now I thought such entry in the terms was created for) I can comply. But if it's a moral issue I don't see anything that I could possibly do to comply. If it's the latter case please feel free to delete the account so more resources can be assigned to others.


Thank you for your consideration.

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It has nothing to do with morals. This ToS says no pornography so you're not allowed to have a pornographic site.


If you're actually curious I'm pretty sure the rule originated because the founder of Heliohost set up the first server when he was 16 (which is 2 years earlier than US citizens are legally allowed to view pornographic materials.) So it probably wouldn't have worked out for him to have a server full of porn at that age. We didn't create the rule, we just help enforce it. As far as I know none of us are any particular crazy anti-porn religion or anything nor is Heliohost owned by any group like that so I don't really understand where the morality thing is coming from.

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