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[Solved] Accidentally Changer Domain, Site Doesn't Work Any More


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I created an account and hosted my school project here, in Heliohost.

after i buyed a domain name,I tried to link it to my hosting.

I broke everything.

I tried with the addon domain and parked domain in my Cpanel, they gave me some errors I didn't understand.

after checking un the wiki section of the website http://wiki.helionet.org/Changing_your_main_domain

I thought it was here where I change heliohost's subdomain to my domain.


Then the web site broke,




I have noticed that the main domain in the stats tab of the cPanel is not anymore my original heliohost subdomain, but the domain name I bought.


Please forgive my ignorance

Please help me

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I can't use the Domain Change script , not even access the cPanel.

when I try to restore my password I get :


Password change cannot be completed: Account is currently suspended! Please contact the billing/support department.

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48 hours later,


Moderators classified this topic as [solved]

but still, I have this problem.


I guess The only solution for me is to delete this account and create a new one with a working subdomain.



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I already tryed to it back using the script above, then waited more than 48 hours,

I loosed hope, so I deleted my account created a new one now.

(I'm afraid to loose my school project if I use two accounts at the same time according to your ToS)


I used an ugly way to fix my problem, sorry.

Even after closing this topic, and still you are helping me,

Thank you

ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ

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